Dear AFNI/Tortoise team,
Needing to work with Tortoise 3.14 (since we use old DTI) and it works great on at least one dataset, we now tried same script for a DTI with 92 directions and get an error. I noticed the 92 direction scan had the first two volumes with b0 images, which may confuse Tortoise. However, I wonder if you may have any good thought? The error is listed below:
after PETPrep is almost done the following error appears:
DIFFPREP -i ${SUBJNUM}/DTI/${FIL_DTI}_proc/${FIL_DTI}.list -s ${SUBJNUM}/${FIL_STRUCT}.nii --reg_settings ${TORT_SET}
Done registering vol 91
Done registering vol 68
Done registering DWIs ...
Key write_rpddoes not exist in the listfile... Assuuming value: 0
Rigidly registering the structural image to the template....Registration log is in: 20211209_00135/DTI/bia5_00135_009_proc/logs/log_structural_to_b0_rigid.txt
Done rigidly registering the structural image to the template....
Correcting for EPI distortions....Registration log is in: 20211209_00135/DTI/bia5_00135_009_proc/logs/log_b0_to_structural_epi.txt
./ line 17: 5603 Killed DIFFPREP -i ${SUBJNUM}/DTI/${FIL_DTI}_proc/${FIL_DTI}.list -s ${SUBJNUM}/${FIL_STRUCT}.nii --reg_settings ${TORT_SET}
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'itk::ExceptionObject'
what(): /qmi_home/irfanogo/Desktop/codes/other_codes/ANTS_05_23_2014/antsbin/InsightToolkit-4.13.0/Modules/IO/NIFTI/src/itkNiftiImageIO.cxx:1016:
itk::ERROR: NiftiImageIO(0x30769a0): bia5_00135_009_DMC.nii is not recognized as a NIFTI file
Very best regards,