Tortoise Reading 92 directions DTI with 2 b0

Dear AFNI/Tortoise team,

Needing to work with Tortoise 3.14 (since we use old DTI) and it works great on at least one dataset, we now tried same script for a DTI with 92 directions and get an error. I noticed the 92 direction scan had the first two volumes with b0 images, which may confuse Tortoise. However, I wonder if you may have any good thought? The error is listed below:
after PETPrep is almost done the following error appears:

DIFFPREP -i ${SUBJNUM}/DTI/${FIL_DTI}_proc/${FIL_DTI}.list -s ${SUBJNUM}/${FIL_STRUCT}.nii --reg_settings ${TORT_SET}
Done registering vol 91
Done registering vol 68
Done registering DWIs ...
Key write_rpddoes not exist in the listfile... Assuuming value: 0
Rigidly registering the structural image to the template....Registration log is in: 20211209_00135/DTI/bia5_00135_009_proc/logs/log_structural_to_b0_rigid.txt
Done rigidly registering the structural image to the template....
Correcting for EPI distortions....Registration log is in: 20211209_00135/DTI/bia5_00135_009_proc/logs/log_b0_to_structural_epi.txt
./ line 17:  5603 Killed                  DIFFPREP -i ${SUBJNUM}/DTI/${FIL_DTI}_proc/${FIL_DTI}.list -s ${SUBJNUM}/${FIL_STRUCT}.nii --reg_settings ${TORT_SET}
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'itk::ExceptionObject'
  what():  /qmi_home/irfanogo/Desktop/codes/other_codes/ANTS_05_23_2014/antsbin/InsightToolkit-4.13.0/Modules/IO/NIFTI/src/itkNiftiImageIO.cxx:1016:
itk::ERROR: NiftiImageIO(0x30769a0): bia5_00135_009_DMC.nii is not recognized as a NIFTI file

Very best regards,


Unfortunately this may be due to many things. A missing file, a problem in the script, filesystem problems etc... etc...

Would you mind posting the script here, and also the log file from DIFFPREP?

PS: I am aware that you have old data but still we strongly suggest to switch to TORTOISE V4 generation. Many of the problems with the previous generation are fixed. in addition, TORTOISEV3 generation is not updated anymore as I do not even have a mechanism to compile it.