Dear AFNI experts and users,
Description of the TENT function in the 3dDeconvolve is this: 'TENT(b,c,n)' = n parameter tent function expansion from times b..c after stimulus time [piecewise linear] [n must be at least 2; time step is (c-b)/(n-1)].
I would like to get 12 volumes after stimulus onset. According to this description, (c-b)/n-1=TR. If the TR is 0.72s, the b=0, n=12, then c=TR(n-1)*+b=0.72*(12-1)+0=7.92. Unfortunately, the code echos errors about "++ ----- Signal+Baseline matrix condition (283x134): 8.09903 ++ VERY GOOD ++
*+ WARNING: !! in Signal+Baseline matrix:
- Largest singular value=3.13546
- 10 singular values are less than cutoff=3.13546e-07
- Implies strong collinearity in the matrix columns!"
The whole code and errors reports were attached at the end of this message.
If I used c=TR*n+b=0.72*12+0=8.64, the code is working. Could anyone tell me where I misunderstand.
Thank a lot.
The TR in my nii file is 0.72s, the times.1D is "11.009 26.136 41.263 56.39 71.517 101.638 116.765 131.892 162.013 177.14".
AFNI version info (afni -ver
): Precompiled binary linux_centos_7_64: Apr 8 2021 (Version AFNI_21.1.01 'Domitian')
this is the code
3dDeconvolve -quiet -input $data_dir/${sb}/LR/tfMRI_MOTOR_LR.nii.gz \
-num_stimts ${var_num} \
-stim_file 1 $curr_path/100206/movement/100206/LR/MOTOR_Movement_Regressors.txt[0] -stim_label 1 roll -stim_maxlag 1 1 \
-stim_file 2 $curr_path/100206/movement/100206/LR/MOTOR_Movement_Regressors.txt[1] -stim_label 2 pitch -stim_maxlag 2 1 \
-stim_file 3 $curr_path/100206/movement/100206/LR/MOTOR_Movement_Regressors.txt[2] -stim_label 3 yaw -stim_maxlag 3 1 \
-stim_file 4 $curr_path/100206/movement/100206/LR/MOTOR_Movement_Regressors.txt[3] -stim_label 4 I_S -stim_maxlag 4 1 \
-stim_file 5 $curr_path/100206/movement/100206/LR/MOTOR_Movement_Regressors.txt[4] -stim_label 5 R_L -stim_maxlag 5 1 \
-stim_file 6 $curr_path/100206/movement/100206/LR/MOTOR_Movement_Regressors.txt[5] -stim_label 6 A_P -stim_maxlag 6 1 \
-stim_times_IM 7 $data_dir/${sb}/LR/times.1D 'TENT(0,7.92,12)' -stim_label 7 ${psycho1}\
-global_times -bucket $output_path/${sb}/LR/polort${polorts}_${sb}_${psycho1}_${var_num}_regress -jobs 90
this is error reports
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/psylab1/psylab1/liuyan/’: File exists
./MO_IM_extract: line 23: test: too many arguments
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/psylab1/psylab1/liuyan//100206’: File exists
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/psylab1/psylab1/liuyan//100206/LR’: File exists
++ '-stim_times_IM 7 /home/psylab1/psylab1/liuyan/0/100206/LR/times.1D' will have 120 regressors
++ setting number of processes to 32!
++ Skipping check for initial transients
*+ WARNING: Input polort=1; Longest run=204.5 s; Recommended minimum polort=2
++ -stim_times using TR=0.72 s for stimulus timing conversion
++ -stim_times using TR=0.72 s for any -iresp output datasets
++ [you can alter the -iresp TR via the -TR_times option]
++ -stim_times_IM 7 using LOCAL times
++ First time point used in analysis = index #1 (from max maxlag)
++ Number of time points: 284 (before censor) ; 283 (after)
- Number of parameters: 134 [2 baseline ; 132 signal]
++ total shared memory needed = 480,198,628 bytes (about 480 million)
++ mmap() memory allocated: 480,198,628 bytes (about 480 million)
++ Memory required for output bricks = 480,198,628 bytes (about 480 million)
++ ----- Signal+Baseline matrix condition (283x134): 8.09903 ++ VERY GOOD ++
*+ WARNING: !! in Signal+Baseline matrix:
- Largest singular value=3.13546
- 10 singular values are less than cutoff=3.13546e-07
- Implies strong collinearity in the matrix columns!
++ Signal+Baseline matrix singular values:
0 0 0 0 9.0243e-09
1.07872e-08 1.95705e-08 2.46159e-08 2.62596e-08 2.9794e-08
0.0478008 0.0498168 0.0765769 0.0827266 0.11502
0.173888 0.195914 0.373278 0.387522 0.46481
0.50308 0.526541 0.536619 0.554659 0.569294
0.575646 0.581648 0.608429 0.624724 0.639851
0.680995 0.689649 0.705938 0.713288 0.71944
0.735332 0.745785 0.753255 0.774118 0.791494
0.799674 0.805106 0.819283 0.823176 0.830319
0.832576 0.836452 0.837948 0.844218 0.855848
0.860385 0.869598 0.88639 0.913593 0.91894
0.924574 0.94264 0.946113 0.948144 0.952278
0.954704 0.972281 0.974341 0.97599 0.977671
0.981349 0.98236 0.983165 0.986256 0.988578
0.989966 0.993345 0.998572 0.999299 1.00595
1.00859 1.01242 1.01269 1.01546 1.01579
1.01904 1.02327 1.02446 1.03007 1.0384
1.04246 1.05154 1.05341 1.05502 1.07039
1.07779 1.08947 1.10004 1.11574 1.12191
1.12797 1.13635 1.13856 1.14379 1.14898
1.15016 1.15691 1.16505 1.16751 1.17999
1.19849 1.20204 1.21067 1.2158 1.22245
1.22416 1.24315 1.26069 1.2685 1.27056
1.28491 1.29126 1.29624 1.30912 1.32254
1.32822 1.34155 1.37558 1.39476 1.41423
1.41439 1.41467 1.41575 1.41608 1.43342
1.44964 1.47042 1.5669 3.13546
++ ----- Signal-only matrix condition (283x132): 7.76915 ++ VERY GOOD ++
*+ WARNING: !! in Signal-only matrix: - Largest singular value=2.97749
- 10 singular values are less than cutoff=2.97749e-07
- Implies strong collinearity in the matrix columns!
++ Signal-only matrix singular values:
0 0 0 0 0
1.13924e-08 1.30855e-08 1.70926e-08 2.15788e-08 2.97951e-08
0.0493291 0.0826232 0.100531 0.116586 0.174896
0.333539 0.386032 0.457103 0.470363 0.503065
0.526747 0.537011 0.554666 0.570114 0.575692
0.581914 0.608424 0.624724 0.639865 0.688106
0.693173 0.706242 0.716724 0.719749 0.737175
0.749735 0.77411 0.791484 0.799669 0.805106
0.819254 0.823162 0.830289 0.83232 0.836346
0.837932 0.843975 0.855749 0.860374 0.869592
0.883001 0.913582 0.918772 0.924372 0.942634
0.946111 0.948133 0.952262 0.954693 0.97228
0.974323 0.975981 0.977632 0.981346 0.982357
0.983159 0.986253 0.988568 0.989965 0.993342
0.998563 0.999268 1.00595 1.00856 1.0124
1.0126 1.01542 1.01579 1.01895 1.02313
1.02445 1.03 1.0384 1.04239 1.0511
1.05335 1.0545 1.07022 1.0777 1.08925
1.09954 1.11572 1.12175 1.12796 1.13631
1.13832 1.14364 1.14794 1.14983 1.15473
1.16331 1.16684 1.17701 1.19166 1.20167
1.2096 1.21565 1.22126 1.22399 1.24246
1.26033 1.26597 1.26984 1.28328 1.28517
1.29152 1.29773 1.31117 1.32178 1.33777
1.35013 1.39303 1.41423 1.41429 1.41443
1.41509 1.41597 1.42304 1.43335 1.46531
1.4719 2.97749
++ ----- Baseline-only matrix condition (283x2): 1.00306 ++ VERY GOOD ++
++ ----- polort-only matrix condition (283x2): 1.00306 ++ VERY GOOD ++
*+ WARNING: +++++ !! Matrix inverse average error = 0.004586 ** BEWARE **
++ Matrix setup time = 0.39 s
** ERROR: !! 3dDeconvolve: Can't run past 3 matrix warnings without '-GOFORIT 3'
** ERROR: !! Currently at -GOFORIT 0
** ERROR: !! See file 3dDeconvolve.err for all WARNING and ERROR messages !!
** ERROR: !! Be sure you understand what you are doing before using -GOFORIT !!
** ERROR: !! If in doubt, consult with someone or with the AFNI message board !!
** FATAL ERROR: !! 3dDeconvolve (regretfully) shuts itself down !!
** Program compile date = Apr 8 2021