Save data in both native anatomy space and the template

AFNI version info (afni -ver):

Hello, I am using to generate script for preprocessing. I have my script written like the one below. It is a simple pipeline where I'd like to apply distortion correction (with blip) and then align functional data with (1) subject's native anatomy (2) MNI template.

However, I found that the setup below seems to concatenate the transformation from epi-->anatomy, and from anatomy-->template. At the end, I can only find the outputs in template, and there is no data saved in the native anatomy space.

For the purpose to conduct two different kinds of analysis, I want to have data both in the native anatomy space, and the template. Is there a way to do that in a single script? -subj_id $RESULTSDIR \
             -dsets $mydata \
             -copy_anat $brainmask \
             -blip_forward_dset blip_for.nii.gz  \
             -blip_reverse_dset blip_rev.nii.gz \
             -blocks tshift align tlrc volreg \
             -anat_has_skull no \
             -align_opts_aea -cost lpc+ZZ -giant_move \
             -tlrc_base MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz \
             -tlrc_NL_warp \
             -volreg_base_dset MIN_OUTLIER \
             -volreg_align_e2a \
             -volreg_tlrc_warp \
             -blip_opts_qw -noXdis -noZdis

hello Shin-

IMHO the fastest easiest solution is just to run 2 totally separate afni_procs. if you're short on space or processing power or processing time then there are tricks to pull data in from one analysis into another but it can be error-prone. If outputs are too redundant you can also remove some end steps in one of them (such as specifying "none" for -html_review_style) but if you can afford it just run 2 totally separate processing pipelines. let me know if you have any questions if thinking through the other approaches.
