I was struggling to get SSwarper to run when I realized that the issue was the input file. The SSwarper script from a past project used T1.nii.gz as input file from the suma output directory from Freesurfer. This suma directory does not seem to be generating when I run recon-all on these new data. I am not getting a clear error message and am wondering if having updated my freesurfer to 7.4.1 before working with these new data has anything to do with the lack of suma directory output. Any insights are appreciated.
We have some notes on using FreeSurfer recon-all and then converting the results to NIFTI and standardized GIFTI surfaces with @SUMA_Make_Spec_FShere.
Did you run @SUMA_Make_Spec_FS after recon-all? It sounds like maybe not. It is the former program that creates the SUMA/ directory with NIFTI, GIFTI, etc. files.
Re. @SSwarper: we have a newer version called sswarper2 that you might want to use instead. It has essentially the same syntax and output naming structure, but tends to be a little better and more stable in some cases. The OHBM-2024 poster describing it is here.
I am taking over a project from a former student and it appears there was a lapse in documentation.
Re; sswarper2, this looks great! I am attempting to run a subject and it seems I have a bug somewhere. I'm getting ": Command not found". I used file_tool to check syntax errors, but does anything jump out to you?
#!/bin/tcsh -xef
# Written by Cassie Stevens 9/18/24
# execute via :
# tcsh -xef NEWsswarper_test.sh {$subj} |& tee logs/output.NEWsswarper_test.{$subj}
# the user may specify a single subject to run with
if ( $#argv > 0 ) then
set subj = $argv[1]
set subj = s1
mkdir ../sswarper2/{$subj}
sswarper2 \
-input ../Subjects/{$subj}/original_data/pb00.{$subj}.anat_oblique.nii \
-base MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz \
-subid {$subj} \
-odir ../sswarper2/{$subj} \
-unifize_off \
Thanks for the reply. I am executing in tcsh and I get the appropriate hello echo from the above. This is the output I am getting from the above script for sswarper2. I appreciate any insight you have on this.
Great! Note that if simply deleting those carriage returns might not leave the file exactly as you wish, file_tool can also do that, just by giving that same command a -prefix option.
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Health (NIH), a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human