missing binary libraries after WSL install

I ran into some difficulty while installing AFNI on Windows 11 via Ubuntu 22.04, specifically with missing binary libraries.

After following the installation steps online, I entered the command:
afni_system_check.py -check_all

and I received the following output:

-------------------------------- general ---------------------------------
architecture:         64bit ELF
cpu type:             x86_64
system:               Linux
release:              4.4.0-22621-Microsoft
version:              #2506-Microsoft Fri Jan 01 08:00:00 PST 2016
distribution:         ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish
number of CPUs:       8
apparent login shell: bash
shell RC file:        .bashrc (exists)

--------------------- AFNI and related program tests ---------------------
which afni           : /home/waterssj/abin/afni
afni version         : afni: error while loading shared libraries: libXm.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
AFNI_version.txt     : AFNI_24.0.14, linux_ubuntu_16_64, Mar 18 2024, official
which python         : /usr/bin/python
python version       : 3.10.12
which R              : /usr/bin/R
R version            : R version 4.3.3 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

instances of various programs found in PATH:
    afni    : 1   (/home/waterssj/abin/afni)
    R       : 1   (/usr/bin/R)
    python  : 1   (/usr/bin/python3.10)
    python2 : 0
    python3 : 1   (/usr/bin/python3.10)

** have python3 but not python2

testing ability to start various programs...
    afni                 : FAILURE
        afni: error while loading shared libraries: libXm.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    suma                 : FAILURE
        suma: error while loading shared libraries: libGLw.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    3dSkullStrip         : FAILURE
        3dSkullStrip: error while loading shared libraries: libGLw.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    3dAllineate          : success
    3dRSFC               : FAILURE
        3dRSFC: error while loading shared libraries: libgsl.so.19: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    SurfMesh             : FAILURE
        SurfMesh: error while loading shared libraries: libGLw.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    3dClustSim           : success
    uber_subject.py      : success
    3dMVM                : success

** missing 5 binary libraries across 5 programs

------------------------ dependent program tests -------------------------
checking for dependent programs...

which tcsh           : /usr/bin/tcsh
which Xvfb           :

checking for R packages...
    rPkgsInstall -pkgs ALL -check : success

R RHOME : /usr/lib/R

------------------------------ python libs -------------------------------

++ module loaded: matplotlib.pyplot
   module file : /home/waterssj/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/matplotlib/pyplot.py
   matplotlib version : 3.8.3

** failed to load module flask
-- flask is not required, but is desirable

** failed to load module flask_cors
-- flask_cors is not required, but is desirable

-------------------------------- env vars --------------------------------
PATH                       = /home/waterssj/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/mnt/c/Program Files/Python38/Scripts/:/mnt/c/Program Files/Python38/:/mnt/c/Program Files/Python37/Scripts/:/mnt/c/Program Files/Python37/:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/system32:/mnt/c/WINDOWS:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/System32/Wbem:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/System32/OpenSSH/:/mnt/c/Program Files/MATLAB/R2022b/bin:/mnt/c/Program Files/MATLAB/R2021b/bin:/mnt/c/Program Files/Git/cmd:/mnt/c/Program Files/dotnet/:/mnt/c/Program Files/PowerShell/7/:/mnt/c/Users/water/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps:/mnt/c/Users/water/AppData/Local/GitHubDesktop/bin:/snap/bin:/home/waterssj/abin

PYTHONPATH                 =
R_LIBS                     = /home/waterssj/R
LD_LIBRARY_PATH            =
CONDA_SHLVL                =

----------------------------- eval dot files -----------------------------

----------- AFNI $HOME files -----------

    .afnirc                   : found
    .sumarc                   : missing
    .afni/help/all_progs.COMP : found

--------- shell startup files ----------

   -- good: .tcshrc seems to contain 'source .cshrc'
   -- considered operations: path, apsearch

   -- note: followers should not need edits, so edit flags should be 0
      (have 1 follower(s), which can be ignored)

   dot file test : want 1 modifications across 3 files:

      file             path  flatdir  apsearch        follower
      ---------------  ----  -------  --------        --------
      .cshrc           0     0        1               0
      .tcshrc          0     0        0               1
      .bashrc          0     0        0               0

------------------------------ data checks -------------------------------
data dir : found AFNI_data6   under $HOME (975485M Avail)
           top history: ... [gangc]: redo 0.BGA as 1.bga and update run.MSS.txt
data dir : found AFNI_demos   under $HOME
           top history: ...ct 2020 [taylorp]: updated scripts under FATCAT_DEMO
data dir : found suma_demo    under $HOME
           top history: ...s_New/data/Build_tmp on Mon Mar  4 11:56:45 EST 2013
data dir : found afni_handouts under $HOME
atlas    : found TT_N27+tlrc  under /home/waterssj/abin

------------------------------ OS specific -------------------------------
which apt-get        : /usr/bin/apt-get
apt-get version      : apt 2.4.8 (amd64)

have Ubuntu system: ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish

=========================  summary, please fix:  =========================
*  just be aware: login shell 'bash', but our code examples use 'tcsh'
*  AFNI programs show FAILURE
*  missing binary library: libXm.so.4
*  missing binary library: libGLw.so.1
*  missing binary library: libGLU.so.1
*  missing binary library: libgsl.so.19
*  missing binary library: libgslcblas.so.0
*  missing program: Xvfb
*  please run: "suma -update_env" for .sumarc
*  dot file test : want 1 modifications across 3 files:

I tried fixing the error by running the command:
suma -update_env

but I received the following output:
suma: error while loading shared libraries: libGLw.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I also tried updating the binaries by entering the command:
@update.afni.binaries -d

but I received the following output:

-- running @update.afni.binaries version 3.24, December 7, 2023
-- have AFNI binaries under /home/waterssj/abin
-- have current build label official
-- install dir: using existing /home/waterssj/abin
afni: error while loading shared libraries: libXm.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
** failed setting package from 'afni -ver'
   checking AFNI_version.txt instead...
** failed setting package from 'AFNI_version.txt', failing

It appears that the issue has something to do with missing binary libraries, but updating the binaries doesn't work.
I'd greatly appreciate any help with fixing the issue!


It looks like you are missing several of the dependencies for AFNI. Can you please follow the steps here for those:
Install prerequisite packages
and then see if that sorts things?


Thanks for the reply,

I re-installed the prerequisite packages, and everything seems to work now!

Great to know, thanks!
