When warping an EPI image to MNI space using 3dNwarpCat and 3dNwarpApply, we first computed @SSwarper to obtain the skull-stripped T1-weighted image and the transformations to the MNI space and also performed align_epi_anat.py to align the EPI image to the subject's T1-weighted.
Here are the commands:
@SSwarper \
-input sub-10246_ses-1_run-1_T1w.nii.gz \
-base MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz \
-subid sub-10246 \
-odir anat_preproc
align_epi_anat.py \
-anat ./anat_preproc/anatSS.sub-10246+orig \
-epi sbref_sub-10246_ns.nii.gz \
-epi_base 0 \
-anat2epi \
-suffix _al_epi \
-anat_has_skull no \
-cost lpa \
-giant_move \
-epi_strip None \
-volreg off \
-tshift off \
Both of these steps resulted in very accurate alignments (from EPI to original T1-w, and also from original T1 to MNI template). However, when concatenating the transformations and applying them with 3NwarpCat and 3dNwarpApply, we observe that the alignment is not so good (e.g. the lateral ventricles do not match between the EPI image in the MNI space and the MNI152 template). Here are the commands:
3dNwarpCat -prefix ./anat_preproc/total_warp_sbref2mni.sub-10246 \
-warp1 "INV(anatSS.sub-10246_al_epi_mat.aff12.1D)" \
-warp2 "./anat_preproc/anatQQ.sub-10246.aff12.1D" \
-warp3 "./anat_preproc/anatQQ.sub-10246_WARP.nii" -overwrite
3dNwarpApply -nwarp "./anat_preproc/total_warp_sbref2mni.sub-10246+tlrc." \
-source sbref_sub-10246_ns.nii.gz \
-master MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz -dxyz 2 -interp wsinc5 \
-prefix sbref_sub-10246_ns.MNI.nii.gz -overwrite
What could be the reason for this final misalignment?
Thanks very much for your help and feedback