Methods Collection on Connectivity Analysis

Dear AFNI community,

As a Guest Editor for JoVE, I am organizing a Methods Collection on Brain Connectivity Analysis Through Neuroimaging. This Collection aims to offer a comprehensive overview of brain connectivity analysis methods using neuroimaging data, including fMRI, EEG/MEG, fNRIS, and PET.

JoVE is the leading peer-reviewed scientific methods video journal, aimed at increasing the visibility and reproducibility of research. JoVE's team takes care of the entire process of filming and producing your video.

This Methods Collection will be the definitive record of brain connectivity analysis methods and will set the standard for reproducibility within the community. The collection will serve as the go-to resource for methods in the field for years to come.

Would you be interested in contributing to this collection? Please let me know and we can discuss an abstract submission.

Thanks for considering this request, and I look forward to hearing from you!

Best Regards,

Xin Di, Ph.D.

New Jersey Institute of Technology