Mask with different number of voxels than data

AFNI version info (afni -ver):
Version AFNI_22.3.07

code text  # or delete if not needed

I resampled my data to MNI152_T1_2009c
R-to-L extent: -96.000 [R] -to- 96.000 [L] -step- 1.000 mm [193 voxels]
A-to-P extent: -96.000 [A] -to- 132.000 [P] -step- 1.000 mm [229 voxels]
I-to-S extent: -78.000 [I] -to- 114.000 [S] -step- 1.000 mm [193 voxels]

and the mask I am trying to use to extract ROI data is in
R-to-L extent: -90.000 [R] -to- 90.000 [L] -step- 1.000 mm [181 voxels]
A-to-P extent: -90.000 [A] -to- 126.000 [P] -step- 1.000 mm [217 voxels]
I-to-S extent: -72.000 [I] -to- 108.000 [S] -step- 1.000 mm [181 voxels]

I tried using 3dresample to get the mask to the same space but the number of voxels is not matching up and I am not sure how to adjust that.


edited!!!! I realized I didn't specify a -master in the 3dresample, so ignore this post!