How does that look out output? What is the output of:
3dinfo -max -prefix INPUT_DSET OUTPUT_DSET
Note that to check whether datasets are on the same grid---and hence can be used together for voxelwise calculations---you can run either of these on 2 or more datasets:
You have spaces to the right of some of your "continuation of line" characters \ (the ones in lines 3 and 8, above). That makes the continuation stop, so that the subsequent lines are not treated like part of this command. Therefore, I don't think that the -bucket .. option is actually being used as part of your command, and you are not passing an output filename to the program. As such, 3dDeconvolve has a default output filename, Decon. But, AFNI programs will not overwrite existing files by default; in some cases, you can add -overwrite to force them to do so. So, that is what is happening here.
I think you should remove the spaces to the right of the \ characters in your script, firstly. Then, you probably want to remove the old Decon output, anyways, because it wouldn't have had your complete set of options. Then, you should be able to get the desired output.
... it would probably make more sense to use the mixed autocorrelation function (ACF) smoothness estimation for cluster things? There are some examples of using 3dClustSim for that from the AFNI Codex (Code Examples) here and here. Typically, when running the smoothness estimations for the ACF fit will be done during processing with 3dFWHMx; that command in the proc script looks like:
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