interaction between within subjects and qVars in 3dMVM

AFNI version info (afni -ver): Version AFNI_23.0.00 'Commodus'


I am trying to compute an interaction using 3dMVM. I have 3 within subject variables (load, presabs, and Hb), each with two levels (2x2x2).

I have a covariate (TCShape) that I would like to plug into the model using qVars. The code is below:

3dMVM -mask AS_mask60.nii -prefix TCCov -jobs 4 \
-GES \
-resid TCov_RESID.nii \
-wsVars "Load*PresAbs*Hb" \
-qVars "TCShape" \
-SS_type 2 \
-dataTable     \
Subj TCShape Load PresAbs Hb InputFile \
S103 0.55 low abs HbO S103_AS50_cond1_Unmasked_oxy_ND_To_Atlas_ClipToBrain.nii.gz \
S103 0.55 low pres HbO S103_AS50_cond2_Unmasked_oxy_ND_To_Atlas_ClipToBrain.nii.gz \
S103 0.55 high abs HbO S103_AS50_cond3_Unmasked_oxy_ND_To_Atlas_ClipToBrain.nii.gz \
S103 0.55 high pres HbO S103_AS50_cond4_Unmasked_oxy_ND_To_Atlas_ClipToBrain.nii.gz \
S103 0.55 low abs HbR S103_AS50_cond1_Unmasked_deoxy_ND_To_Atlas_ClipToBrain.nii.gz \
S103 0.55 low pres HbR S103_AS50_cond2_Unmasked_deoxy_ND_To_Atlas_ClipToBrain.nii.gz \
S103 0.55 high abs HbR S103_AS50_cond3_Unmasked_deoxy_ND_To_Atlas_ClipToBrain.nii.gz \
S103 0.55 high pres HbR S103_AS50_cond4_Unmasked_deoxy_ND_To_Atlas_ClipToBrain.nii.gz \
S104 0.45 low abs HbO S104_AS50_cond1_Unmasked_oxy_ND_To_Atlas_ClipToBrain.nii.gz \
S104 0.45 low pres HbO S104_AS50_cond2_Unmasked_oxy_ND_To_Atlas_ClipToBrain.nii.gz \

The model runs without issue, however, the results only show the interactions of my within subjects variables and seems to ignore the qVars variable.

How can I get an interaction to show up with my covariate?

Thank you,



I assume that TCShape does not vary within individuals. Add the following to your 3dMVM script

-bsVars "TCShape" \

Also, it might be slightly preferable to have

-SS_type 3 \

Gang Chen

Hello Gang!

Thank you for your reply,

I implemented both of your suggestions to my script but I still do not see the interaction.

3dMVM -mask AS_mask60.nii -prefix TCCov -jobs 4 \
-GES \
-resid TCov_RESID.nii \
-wsVars "Load*PresAbs*Hb" \
-qVars "TCShape" \
-bsVars "TCShape" \
-SS_type 3 \

I'm uncertain about why the updated script didn't function as expected. If you can't resolve the issue, I might need you to provide the data and script for further diagnosis.

Gang Chen

Hello Gang,

What would be the best way to share the data to you?

Thank you again for your help,


I just sent you an email outlining a method for sharing your data and script.

Gang Chen

Hi Gang,

Thank you so much for your time. I figured out why it was not popping up in afni.

After simply restarting afni, all the interactions showed up.

Thank you again,
