AFNI version info (afni -ver
Precompiled binary linux_ubuntu_16_64: Jan 6 2023 (Version AFNI_23.0.00 'Commodus')
Hello Folks,
So my goal is to identify the ROIs within my mask, and get the overlap of the ROIs and my mask.
My mask was a intersection of two clustered map outputted from two 2dClusterize commands.
Thus I don't have stats on the dataset, just a mask of 0 and 1s.
3dclust -dxyz=3 -1Dformat -NN2 atlas_inter+tlrc > results_atlas_inter.1D
whereami -atlas $atlas -coord_file results_atlas_inter.1D'[1,2,3]' -bmask atlas_inter+tlrc -tab > posROIs_atlas_inter.1D
So I get ROI names from within the several atlases i've inputted in the whereami command, but no overlap.
++ Input coordinates orientation set by default rules to RAI
++ In binary mode ...
++ 205 voxels in ROI
+++++++ nearby Atlas structures +++++++
Original input data coordinates in TLRC space
Focus point (LPI) Coord.Space
-63 mm [L], -26 mm [P], 9 mm [S] {TLRC}
-64 mm [L], -27 mm [P], 9 mm [S] {MNI}
-64 mm [U], -31 mm [P], 14 mm [S] {MNI_ANAT}
Atlas Within Label Prob. Code
Schaefer_Yeo_17n_400 1.0 LH_SomMotB_Aud_2 MPM 45
Schaefer_Yeo_17n_400 2.0 LH_TempPar_3 MPM 197
Schaefer_Yeo_17n_400 6.0 LH_TempPar_2 MPM 196
Schaefer_Yeo_17n_400 6.0 LH_SalVentAttnA_ParOper_1 MPM 86
Schaefer_Yeo_17n_400 7.0 LH_DefaultB_Temp_6 MPM 172
What is strange is that I get this overlap when running similar command on one of the map I use in the intersection.
So for illustration, I'll put the 1D files outputted by 3dclust or 3dclusterize for comparison
First, the outputted file that gives me overlap using wherami :
# Cluster report
#[ Dataset prefix = TtestTvsR_BOLD2 ]
#[ Threshold vol = [1] 'taskVsRest_B_Zscr' ]
#[ Supplement dat vol = [0] 'taskVsRest_B_mean' ]
#[ Option summary = 1sided,RIGHT_TAIL,2.45726,clust_nvox,154,NN2 ]
#[ Threshold value(s) = right-tail thr=2.457260 ]
#[ Aux. stat. info. = ]
#[ Nvoxel threshold = 154; Volume threshold = 4158.000 ]
#[ Single voxel volume = 27.000 (microliters) ]
#[ Neighbor type, NN = 2 ]
#[ Voxel datum type = float ]
#[ Voxel dimensions = 3.000 mm X 3.000 mm X 3.000 mm ]
#[ Coordinates Order = RAI ]
#[ Mask = /home/mococo/Documents/Simon_Boylan2/hick_entropy_analysis/results/meanGMmask+tlrc ]
#[ Mean and SEM based on signed voxel intensities ]
#Volume CM RL CM AP CM IS minRL maxRL minAP maxAP minIS maxIS Mean SEM Max Int MI RL MI AP MI IS
#------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ------- ----- ----- -----
1270 54.9 23.6 19.5 31.5 70.5 -28.5 55.5 -7.5 61.5 7.7758 0.1063 23.053 64.5 22.5 13.5
837 -60.1 24.2 7.4 -73.5 -37.5 -4.5 49.5 -10.5 28.5 7.7446 0.1074 17.868 -67.5 13.5 7.5
447 -49.2 29.6 53.3 -67.5 -28.5 7.5 61.5 31.5 76.5 7.4763 0.1211 15.161 -43.5 16.5 64.5
314 -47.6 -20.9 4.5 -61.5 -31.5 -52.5 -4.5 -10.5 22.5 5.6334 0.1005 11.438 -58.5 -13.5 7.5
278 -0.3 54.8 -19.6 -31.5 28.5 37.5 70.5 -37.5 1.5 2.9871 0.0567 8.1115 -1.5 49.5 -1.5
201 1.6 -2.4 59.8 -13.5 13.5 -13.5 7.5 46.5 76.5 7.5276 0.2343 17.647 1.5 -1.5 58.5
#------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ------- ----- ----- -----
# 3347 -3.9 20.7 21.0 7.1144 0.0591
Now, the broken one that does not :
#Cluster report for file /home/simon/Documents/hick_entropy/results/task_versus_rest_clusterization_analysis/Model_results/atlas_inter+tlrc.HEAD
#[Connectivity radius = 1.44 mm Volume threshold = 54.00 ]
#[Single voxel volume = 27.0 (microliters) ]
#[Voxel datum type = byte ]
#[Voxel dimensions = 3.000 mm X 3.000 mm X 3.000 mm ]
#[Coordinates Order = RAI ]
#[Fake voxel dimen = 1.000 mm X 1.000 mm X 1.000 mm ]
#Mean and SEM based on Absolute Value of voxel intensities:
#Volume CM RL CM AP CM IS minRL maxRL minAP maxAP minIS maxIS Mean SEM Max Int MI RL MI AP MI IS
#------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ------- ----- ----- -----
158 63.3 25.5 9.2 46.5 70.5 4.5 52.5 -4.5 22.5 1 0 1 67.5 10.5 -4.5
47 6.2 -0.5 64.4 1.5 10.5 -10.5 7.5 55.5 76.5 1 0 1 10.5 1.5 55.5
#------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ------- ----- ----- -----
# 205 50.2 19.6 21.9 1 0
Can anyone understand why doesn't wherami outputs overlap ?
I didn't find any precisions on -bmask usage in help files.