How to extract time series data for multiple ROIs using an AAL mask


An AFNI newbie here.
I would like to extract time series data from my fmri file for each ROI, as defined by an AAL mask (AAL3v1.nii). Would there be a one line command that can do this?

Right now my command looks like this:

3d 3dROIstats -mask AAL3v1.nii my_fmri_file > timeseries_AAL

This command generated an output with the right number of columns and rows, but I wanted to double check that this is doing what I am looking to do.

Thank you so much!

AFNI version info (afni -ver):

3dROIstats -mask AAL3v1.nii my_fmri_file > timeseries_AAL

Sure, that 3dROIstats command looks reasonable.


Thank you !!!

If you use the AAL version here, then it will come with labels on top too.

Oh this is good! Thank you so much!