How does AFNI perform skull stripping without 3dSkullStrip or @SSwarper?

AFNI version info (afni -ver): Precompiled binary macos_13_ARM_clang: Jan 12 2025 (Version AFNI_24.3.10 'Elagabalus')

Hi, I’m using for preprocessing for the first time. I specified -anat_has_skull yes, but I don’t see 3dSkullStrip or @SSwarper in the proc_subj script.

How does AFNI perform skull stripping in this case? Additionally, I noticed that includes -skull_strip_input no. Shouldn’t this be yes if skull stripping is expected?

Thanks for your help! \
        -subj_id ${subj} \
        -script proc_${subj} \
        -out_dir ${dir_preproc} \
        -blocks despike tshift align tlrc volreg blur mask scale regress \
        -copy_anat ${dir_raw}/T1.${subj}.nii \
        -anat_has_skull yes \
        -anat_uniform_method unifize \
        -anat_unif_GM yes \
        -dsets ${dir_raw}/func.${subj}.r01.nii ${dir_raw}/func.${subj}.r02.nii ${dir_raw}/func.${subj}.r03.nii ${dir_raw}/func.${subj}.r04.nii ${dir_raw}/func.${subj}.r05.nii ${dir_raw}/func.${subj}.r06.nii \
        -radial_correlate_blocks tcat volreg \
        -blip_reverse_dset ${dir_raw}/dist_PA.${subj}.nii \
        -tlrc_base MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz \
        -tlrc_NL_warp \
        -align_opts_aea \
        -cost lpc+ZZ \
        -giant_move \
        -check_flip \
        -volreg_align_to MIN_OUTLIER \
        -volreg_align_e2a \
        -volreg_tlrc_warp \
        -blur_size 4.0 \
        -mask_epi_anat yes \
        -regress_motion_per_run \
        -regress_censor_motion 0.3 \
        -regress_censor_outliers 0.05 \
        -regress_apply_mot_types demean deriv \
        -regress_est_blur_epits \
        -regress_est_blur_errts \


#!/bin/tcsh -xef

echo "auto-generated by, Fri Mar  7 13:52:41 2025"
echo "(version 7.82, December 6, 2024)"
echo "execution started: `date`"

# to execute via tcsh: 
#   tcsh -xef proc_D003 |& tee output.proc_D003
# to execute via bash: 
#   tcsh -xef proc_D003 2>&1 | tee output.proc_D003

# =========================== auto block: setup ============================
# script setup

# take note of the AFNI version
afni -ver

# check that the current AFNI version is recent enough
afni_history -check_date  7 Mar 2024
if ( $status ) then
    echo "** this script requires newer AFNI binaries (than  7 Mar 2024)"
    echo "   (consider: @update.afni.binaries -defaults)"

# the user may specify a single subject to run with
if ( $#argv > 0 ) then
    set subj = $argv[1]
    set subj = D003

# assign output directory name
set output_dir = /Users/andy/Desktop/Research/LDT/fMRI_data/preproc_afni/D003

# verify that the results directory does not yet exist
if ( -d $output_dir ) then
    echo output dir "$subj.results" already exists

# set list of runs
set runs = (`count_afni -digits 2 1 6`)

# create results and stimuli directories
mkdir -p $output_dir
mkdir $output_dir/stimuli

# copy anatomy to results dir
3dcopy /Users/andy/Desktop/Research/LDT/fMRI_data/raw/D003/T1.D003.nii \

# copy template to results dir (for QC)
3dcopy /Users/andy/abin/MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz \

# copy any -ROI_import datasets as ROI_import_LABEL
3dcopy /Users/andy/abin/APQC_atlas_MNI_2009c_asym.nii.gz \

# will extract automatic -blip_forward_dset in tcat block, below

# copy external -blip_reverse_dset dataset
3dTcat -prefix $output_dir/blip_reverse \

# ============================ auto block: tcat ============================
# apply 3dTcat to copy input dsets to results dir,
# while removing the first 0 TRs
3dTcat -prefix $output_dir/pb00.$subj.r01.tcat      \
3dTcat -prefix $output_dir/pb00.$subj.r02.tcat      \
3dTcat -prefix $output_dir/pb00.$subj.r03.tcat      \
3dTcat -prefix $output_dir/pb00.$subj.r04.tcat      \
3dTcat -prefix $output_dir/pb00.$subj.r05.tcat      \
3dTcat -prefix $output_dir/pb00.$subj.r06.tcat      \

# and make note of repetitions (TRs) per run
set tr_counts = ( 418 396 396 397 396 396 )

# -------------------------------------------------------
# enter the results directory (can begin processing data)
cd $output_dir

# -------------------------------------------------------
# extract initial volumes as automatic -blip_forward_dset
3dTcat -prefix blip_forward pb00.$subj.r01.tcat+orig"[0..29]"

# ---------------------------------------------------------
# QC: compute correlations with spherical ~averages
@radial_correlate -nfirst 0 -polort 3 -do_clean yes \
                  -rdir radcor.pb00.tcat            \

# ---------------------------------------------------------
# QC: look for columns of high variance
find_variance_lines.tcsh -polort 3 -nerode 2        \
       -rdir vlines.pb00.tcat                       \
       pb00.$subj.r*.tcat+orig.HEAD |& tee out.vlines.pb00.tcat.txt

# =============================== anat_unif ================================
# perform 'unifize' uniformity correction on anatomical dataset
3dUnifize -prefix T1.D003_unif -GM T1.D003+orig

# ========================== auto block: outcount ==========================
# QC: compute outlier fraction for each volume
touch out.pre_ss_warn.txt
foreach run ( $runs )
    3dToutcount -automask -fraction -polort 3 -legendre                     \
                pb00.$subj.r$run.tcat+orig > outcount.r$run.1D

    # censor outlier TRs per run, ignoring the first 0 TRs
    # - censor when more than 0.05 of automask voxels are outliers
    # - step() defines which TRs to remove via censoring
    1deval -a outcount.r$run.1D -expr "1-step(a-0.05)" > rm.out.cen.r$run.1D

    # outliers at TR 0 might suggest pre-steady state TRs
    if ( `1deval -a outcount.r$run.1D"{0}" -expr "step(a-0.4)"` ) then
        echo "** TR #0 outliers: possible pre-steady state TRs in run $run" \
            >> out.pre_ss_warn.txt

# catenate outlier counts into a single time series
cat outcount.r*.1D > outcount_rall.1D

# catenate outlier censor files into a single time series
cat rm.out.cen.r*.1D > outcount_${subj}_censor.1D

# ---------------------------------------------------------
# check for potential 4095 saturation issues
foreach run ( $runs )
    3dTto1D -method 4095_warn -input pb00.$subj.r$run.tcat+orig             \
            |& tee -a out.4095_all.txt

# make a file showing any resulting warnings
awk '/warning/ {print}' out.4095_all.txt | tee out.4095_warn.txt

# get run number and TR index for minimum outlier volume
set minindex = `3dTstat -argmin -prefix - outcount_rall.1D\'`
set ovals = ( ` -set_run_lengths $tr_counts                       \
                          -index_to_run_tr $minindex` )
# save run and TR indices for extraction of vr_base_min_outlier
set minoutrun = $ovals[1]
set minouttr  = $ovals[2]
echo "min outlier: run $minoutrun, TR $minouttr" | tee out.min_outlier.txt

# ================================ despike =================================
# apply 3dDespike to each run
foreach run ( $runs )
    3dDespike -NEW -nomask -prefix pb01.$subj.r$run.despike \

# ================================= tshift =================================
# time shift data so all slice timing is the same 
foreach run ( $runs )
    3dTshift -tzero 0 -quintic -prefix pb02.$subj.r$run.tshift \

# ================================== blip ==================================
# compute blip up/down non-linear EPI distortion correction

# create median datasets from forward and reverse time series
3dTstat -median -prefix blip_forward+orig
3dTstat -median -prefix blip_reverse+orig

# automask the median datasets 
3dAutomask -apply_prefix
3dAutomask -apply_prefix

# compute the midpoint warp between the median datasets
3dQwarp -plusminus -pmNAMES Rev For                           \
        -pblur 0.05 0.05 -blur -1 -1                          \
        -noweight -minpatch 9                                 \
        -source                   \
        -base                   \
        -prefix blip_warp

# warp median datasets (forward and each masked) for QC checks
# (and preserve obliquity)
3dNwarpApply -quintic -nwarp blip_warp_For_WARP+orig          \
             -source                     \
             -prefix blip_med_for

3dNwarpApply -quintic -nwarp blip_warp_For_WARP+orig          \
             -source              \
             -prefix blip_med_for_masked

3dNwarpApply -quintic -nwarp blip_warp_Rev_WARP+orig          \
             -source              \
             -prefix blip_med_rev_masked
3drefit -atrcopy blip_reverse+orig                            \
                 IJK_TO_DICOM_REAL                            \

# warp EPI time series data
foreach run ( $runs )
    3dNwarpApply -quintic -nwarp blip_warp_For_WARP+orig      \
                 -source pb02.$subj.r$run.tshift+orig         \
                 -prefix pb03.$subj.r$run.blip
    3drefit -atrcopy pb02.$subj.r$run.tshift+orig             \
                     IJK_TO_DICOM_REAL                        \

# --------------------------------
# extract volreg registration base
3dbucket -prefix vr_base_min_outlier                          \

# ================================= align ==================================
# for e2a: compute anat alignment transformation to EPI registration base
# (new anat will be intermediate, stripped, T1.D003_unif_ns+orig) -anat2epi -anat T1.D003_unif+orig \
       -save_skullstrip -suffix _al_junk            \
       -epi vr_base_min_outlier+orig -epi_base 0    \
       -epi_strip 3dAutomask                        \
       -cost lpc+ZZ -giant_move -check_flip         \
       -volreg off -tshift off

# ================================== tlrc ==================================
# warp anatomy to standard space (non-linear warp) -base MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz -input \
             T1.D003_unif_ns+orig                         \
             -skull_strip_input no -unifize_input no

# move results up out of the awpy directory
# - NL-warped anat, affine warp, NL warp
# - use typical standard space name for anat
# - wildcard is a cheap way to go after any .gz
# - be sure NIFTI sform_code=2 means standard space
3dbucket -DAFNI_NIFTI_VIEW=tlrc                           \
         -prefix T1.D003_unif_ns awpy/*
mv awpy/anat.aff.Xat.1D .
mv awpy/anat.aff.qw_WARP.nii .

# ================================= volreg =================================
# align each dset to base volume, blip warp, to anat, warp to tlrc space
# (final warp input is same as blip input)

# verify that we have a +tlrc warp dataset
if ( ! -f T1.D003_unif_ns+tlrc.HEAD ) then
    echo "** missing +tlrc warp dataset: T1.D003_unif_ns+tlrc.HEAD" 

# register and warp
foreach run ( $runs )
    # register each volume to the base image
    3dvolreg -verbose -zpad 1 -base vr_base_min_outlier+orig            \
             -1Dfile dfile.r$run.1D -prefix rm.epi.volreg.r$run         \
             -cubic                                                     \
             -1Dmatrix_save mat.r$run.vr.aff12.1D                       \

    # create an all-1 dataset to mask the extents of the warp
    3dcalc -overwrite -a pb03.$subj.r$run.blip+orig -expr 1             \
           -prefix rm.epi.all1

    # catenate blip/volreg/epi2anat/tlrc xforms
    cat_matvec -ONELINE                                                 \
               anat.aff.Xat.1D                                          \
               T1.D003_unif_al_junk_mat.aff12.1D -I                     \
               mat.r$run.vr.aff12.1D > mat.r$run.warp.aff12.1D

    # apply catenated xform: blip/volreg/epi2anat/tlrc/NLtlrc
    # then apply non-linear standard-space warp
    3dNwarpApply -master T1.D003_unif_ns+tlrc -dxyz 2.5                 \
                 -source pb02.$subj.r$run.tshift+orig                   \
                 -nwarp "anat.aff.qw_WARP.nii mat.r$run.warp.aff12.1D   \
                 blip_warp_For_WARP+orig"                               \
                 -prefix rm.epi.nomask.r$run

    # warp the all-1 dataset for extents masking 
    3dNwarpApply -master T1.D003_unif_ns+tlrc -dxyz 2.5                 \
                 -source rm.epi.all1+orig                               \
                 -nwarp "anat.aff.qw_WARP.nii mat.r$run.warp.aff12.1D"  \
                 -interp cubic                                          \
                 -ainterp NN -quiet                                     \
                 -prefix rm.epi.1.r$run

    # make an extents intersection mask of this run
    3dTstat -min -prefix rm.epi.min.r$run rm.epi.1.r$run+tlrc

# make a single file of registration params
cat dfile.r*.1D > dfile_rall.1D

# ----------------------------------------
# create the extents mask: mask_epi_extents+tlrc
# (this is a mask of voxels that have valid data at every TR)
3dMean -datum short -prefix rm.epi.mean rm.epi.min.r*.HEAD 
3dcalc -a rm.epi.mean+tlrc -expr 'step(a-0.999)' -prefix mask_epi_extents

# and apply the extents mask to the EPI data 
# (delete any time series with missing data)
foreach run ( $runs )
    3dcalc -a rm.epi.nomask.r$run+tlrc -b mask_epi_extents+tlrc         \
           -expr 'a*b' -prefix pb04.$subj.r$run.volreg

# warp the volreg base EPI dataset to make a final version
cat_matvec -ONELINE                                                     \
           anat.aff.Xat.1D                                              \
           T1.D003_unif_al_junk_mat.aff12.1D -I  > mat.basewarp.aff12.1D

3dNwarpApply -master T1.D003_unif_ns+tlrc -dxyz 2.5                     \
             -source vr_base_min_outlier+orig                           \
             -nwarp "anat.aff.qw_WARP.nii mat.basewarp.aff12.1D"        \
             -prefix final_epi_vr_base_min_outlier

# create an anat_final dataset, aligned with stats
3dcopy T1.D003_unif_ns+tlrc anat_final.$subj

# record final registration costs
3dAllineate -base final_epi_vr_base_min_outlier+tlrc -allcostX          \
            -input anat_final.$subj+tlrc |& tee out.allcostX.txt

# -----------------------------------------
# warp anat follower datasets (non-linear)
# warp follower dataset T1.D003_unif+orig
3dNwarpApply -source T1.D003_unif+orig                                  \
             -master anat_final.$subj+tlrc                              \
             -ainterp wsinc5 -nwarp anat.aff.qw_WARP.nii anat.aff.Xat.1D\
             -prefix anat_w_skull_warped

# ---------------------------------------------------------
# QC: compute correlations with spherical ~averages
@radial_correlate -nfirst 0 -polort 3 -do_clean yes                     \
                  -rdir radcor.pb04.volreg                              \

# ================================== blur ==================================
# blur each volume of each run
foreach run ( $runs )
    3dmerge -1blur_fwhm 4.0 -doall -prefix pb05.$subj.r$run.blur \

# ================================== mask ==================================
# create 'full_mask' dataset (union mask)
foreach run ( $runs )
    3dAutomask -prefix rm.mask_r$run pb05.$subj.r$run.blur+tlrc

# create union of inputs, output type is byte
3dmask_tool -inputs rm.mask_r*+tlrc.HEAD -union -prefix full_mask.$subj

# ---- create subject anatomy mask, mask_anat.$subj+tlrc ----
#      (resampled from tlrc anat)
3dresample -master full_mask.$subj+tlrc -input T1.D003_unif_ns+tlrc   \
           -prefix rm.resam.anat

# convert to binary anat mask; fill gaps and holes
3dmask_tool -dilate_input 5 -5 -fill_holes -input rm.resam.anat+tlrc  \
            -prefix mask_anat.$subj

# compute tighter EPI mask by intersecting with anat mask
3dmask_tool -input full_mask.$subj+tlrc mask_anat.$subj+tlrc          \
            -inter -prefix mask_epi_anat.$subj

# compute overlaps between anat and EPI masks
3dABoverlap -no_automask full_mask.$subj+tlrc mask_anat.$subj+tlrc    \
            |& tee out.mask_ae_overlap.txt

# note Dice coefficient of masks, as well
3ddot -dodice full_mask.$subj+tlrc mask_anat.$subj+tlrc               \
      |& tee out.mask_ae_dice.txt

# ---- create group anatomy mask, mask_group+tlrc ----
#      (resampled from tlrc base anat, MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz)
3dresample -master mask_epi_anat.$subj+tlrc -prefix ./  \
           -input /Users/andy/abin/MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz'[0]'

# convert to binary group mask; fill gaps and holes
3dmask_tool -dilate_input 5 -5 -fill_holes -input \
            -prefix mask_group

# note Dice coefficient of anat and template masks
3ddot -dodice mask_anat.$subj+tlrc mask_group+tlrc                    \
      |& tee out.mask_at_dice.txt

# ================================= scale ==================================
# scale each voxel time series to have a mean of 100
# (be sure no negatives creep in)
# (subject to a range of [0,200])
foreach run ( $runs )
    3dTstat -prefix rm.mean_r$run pb05.$subj.r$run.blur+tlrc
    3dcalc -a pb05.$subj.r$run.blur+tlrc -b rm.mean_r$run+tlrc \
           -c mask_epi_extents+tlrc                            \
           -expr 'c * min(200, a/b*100)*step(a)*step(b)'       \
           -prefix pb06.$subj.r$run.scale

# ================================ regress =================================

# compute de-meaned motion parameters (for use in regression) -infile dfile_rall.1D -set_run_lengths $tr_counts                 \
           -demean -write motion_demean.1D

# compute motion parameter derivatives (for use in regression) -infile dfile_rall.1D -set_run_lengths $tr_counts                 \
           -derivative -demean -write motion_deriv.1D

# convert motion parameters for per-run regression -infile motion_demean.1D -set_run_lengths 418 396 396 397 396 396 \
           -split_into_pad_runs mot_demean -infile motion_deriv.1D -set_run_lengths 418 396 396 397 396 396  \
           -split_into_pad_runs mot_deriv

# create censor file motion_${subj}_censor.1D, for censoring motion -infile dfile_rall.1D -set_run_lengths $tr_counts                 \
    -show_censor_count -censor_prev_TR                                       \
    -censor_motion 0.3 motion_${subj}

# combine multiple censor files
1deval -a motion_${subj}_censor.1D -b outcount_${subj}_censor.1D             \
       -expr "a*b" > censor_${subj}_combined_2.1D

# resample any -ROI_import dataset onto the EPI grid
# (and copy its labeltable)

3dresample -master final_epi_vr_base_min_outlier+tlrc -rmode NN              \
           -input ROI_import_MNI_2009c_asym+tlrc                             \
           -prefix ROI_import_MNI_2009c_asym_resam

3drefit -copytables ROI_import_MNI_2009c_asym+tlrc                           \
3drefit -cmap INT_CMAP ROI_import_MNI_2009c_asym_resam+tlrc

# note TRs that were not censored
# (apply from a text file, in case of a lot of censoring) -infile censor_${subj}_combined_2.1D                              \
           -show_trs_uncensored space                                        \
           > out.keep_trs_rall.txt
set ktrs = "1dcat out.keep_trs_rall.txt"

# ------------------------------
# run the regression analysis
3dDeconvolve -input pb06.$subj.r*.scale+tlrc.HEAD                            \
    -censor censor_${subj}_combined_2.1D                                     \
    -ortvec mot_demean.r01.1D mot_demean_r01                                 \
    -ortvec mot_demean.r02.1D mot_demean_r02                                 \
    -ortvec mot_demean.r03.1D mot_demean_r03                                 \
    -ortvec mot_demean.r04.1D mot_demean_r04                                 \
    -ortvec mot_demean.r05.1D mot_demean_r05                                 \
    -ortvec mot_demean.r06.1D mot_demean_r06                                 \
    -ortvec mot_deriv.r01.1D mot_deriv_r01                                   \
    -ortvec mot_deriv.r02.1D mot_deriv_r02                                   \
    -ortvec mot_deriv.r03.1D mot_deriv_r03                                   \
    -ortvec mot_deriv.r04.1D mot_deriv_r04                                   \
    -ortvec mot_deriv.r05.1D mot_deriv_r05                                   \
    -ortvec mot_deriv.r06.1D mot_deriv_r06                                   \
    -polort 3 -float                                                         \
    -num_stimts 0                                                            \
    -fout -tout -x1D X.xmat.1D -xjpeg X.jpg                                  \
    -x1D_uncensored X.nocensor.xmat.1D                                       \
    -fitts fitts.$subj                                                       \
    -errts errts.${subj}                                                     \
    -x1D_stop                                                                \
    -bucket stats.$subj

# -- use 3dTproject to project out regression matrix --
#    (make errts like 3dDeconvolve, but more quickly)
3dTproject -polort 0 -input pb06.$subj.r*.scale+tlrc.HEAD                    \
           -censor censor_${subj}_combined_2.1D -cenmode ZERO                \
           -ort X.nocensor.xmat.1D -prefix errts.${subj}.tproject

# if 3dDeconvolve fails, terminate the script
if ( $status != 0 ) then
    echo '---------------------------------------'
    echo '** 3dDeconvolve error, failing...'
    echo '   (consider the file 3dDeconvolve.err)'

# display any large pairwise correlations from the X-matrix -show_cormat_warnings -infile X.xmat.1D |& tee out.cormat_warn.txt

# display degrees of freedom info from X-matrix -show_df_info -infile X.xmat.1D |& tee out.df_info.txt

# create an all_runs dataset to match the fitts, errts, etc.
3dTcat -prefix all_runs.$subj pb06.$subj.r*.scale+tlrc.HEAD

# --------------------------------------------------
# create a temporal signal to noise ratio dataset 
#    signal: if 'scale' block, mean should be 100
#    noise : compute standard deviation of errts
3dTstat -mean -prefix rm.signal.all all_runs.$subj+tlrc"[$ktrs]"
3dTstat -stdev -prefix rm.noise.all errts.${subj}.tproject+tlrc"[$ktrs]"
3dcalc -a rm.signal.all+tlrc                                                 \
       -b rm.noise.all+tlrc                                                  \
       -expr 'a/b' -prefix TSNR.$subj

# --------------------------------------------------
# compute TSNR stats for dset labels: brain, MNI_2009c_asym

compute_ROI_stats.tcsh                                                       \
    -out_dir    tsnr_stats_regress                                           \
    -stats_file tsnr_stats_regress/stats_auto_brain.txt                      \
    -dset_ROI   mask_epi_anat.$subj+tlrc                                     \
    -dset_data  TSNR.$subj+tlrc                                              \
    -rset_label brain                                                        \
    -rval_list  1

compute_ROI_stats.tcsh                                                       \
    -out_dir    tsnr_stats_regress                                           \
    -stats_file tsnr_stats_regress/stats_auto_MNI_2009c_asym.txt             \
    -dset_ROI   ROI_import_MNI_2009c_asym_resam+tlrc                         \
    -dset_data  TSNR.$subj+tlrc                                              \
    -rset_label MNI_2009c_asym                                               \
    -rval_list  ALL_LT

# ---------------------------------------------------
# compute and store GCOR (global correlation average)
# (sum of squares of global mean of unit errts)
3dTnorm -norm2 -prefix rm.errts.unit errts.${subj}.tproject+tlrc
3dmaskave -quiet -mask mask_epi_anat.$subj+tlrc                              \
          rm.errts.unit+tlrc > mean.errts.unit.1D
3dTstat -sos -prefix - mean.errts.unit.1D\' > out.gcor.1D
echo "-- GCOR = `cat out.gcor.1D`"

# ---------------------------------------------------
# compute correlation volume
# (per voxel: correlation with masked brain average)
3dmaskave -quiet -mask mask_epi_anat.$subj+tlrc                              \
          errts.${subj}.tproject+tlrc > mean.errts.1D
3dTcorr1D -prefix corr_brain errts.${subj}.tproject+tlrc mean.errts.1D

# --------------------------------------------------
# compute sum of baseline (all) regressors
3dTstat -sum -prefix sum_baseline.1D X.nocensor.xmat.1D

# ============================ blur estimation =============================
# compute blur estimates
touch blur_est.$subj.1D   # start with empty file

# create directory for ACF curve files
mkdir files_ACF

# -- estimate blur for each run in epits --
touch blur.epits.1D

# restrict to uncensored TRs, per run
foreach run ( $runs )
    set trs = ` -infile X.xmat.1D -show_trs_uncensored encoded     \
                          -show_trs_run $run`
    if ( $trs == "" ) continue
    3dFWHMx -detrend -mask mask_epi_anat.$subj+tlrc                          \
            -ACF files_ACF/out.3dFWHMx.ACF.epits.r$run.1D                    \
            all_runs.$subj+tlrc"[$trs]" >> blur.epits.1D

# compute average FWHM blur (from every other row) and append
set blurs = ( `3dTstat -mean -prefix - blur.epits.1D'{0..$(2)}'\'` )
echo average epits FWHM blurs: $blurs
echo "$blurs   # epits FWHM blur estimates" >> blur_est.$subj.1D

# compute average ACF blur (from every other row) and append
set blurs = ( `3dTstat -mean -prefix - blur.epits.1D'{1..$(2)}'\'` )
echo average epits ACF blurs: $blurs
echo "$blurs   # epits ACF blur estimates" >> blur_est.$subj.1D

# -- estimate blur for each run in errts --
touch blur.errts.1D

# restrict to uncensored TRs, per run
foreach run ( $runs )
    set trs = ` -infile X.xmat.1D -show_trs_uncensored encoded     \
                          -show_trs_run $run`
    if ( $trs == "" ) continue
    3dFWHMx -detrend -mask mask_epi_anat.$subj+tlrc                          \
            -ACF files_ACF/out.3dFWHMx.ACF.errts.r$run.1D                    \
            errts.${subj}.tproject+tlrc"[$trs]" >> blur.errts.1D

# compute average FWHM blur (from every other row) and append
set blurs = ( `3dTstat -mean -prefix - blur.errts.1D'{0..$(2)}'\'` )
echo average errts FWHM blurs: $blurs
echo "$blurs   # errts FWHM blur estimates" >> blur_est.$subj.1D

# compute average ACF blur (from every other row) and append
set blurs = ( `3dTstat -mean -prefix - blur.errts.1D'{1..$(2)}'\'` )
echo average errts ACF blurs: $blurs
echo "$blurs   # errts ACF blur estimates" >> blur_est.$subj.1D

# ========================= auto block: QC_review ==========================
# generate quality control review scripts and HTML report

# generate a review script for the unprocessed EPI data -script @epi_review.$subj \
    -dsets pb00.$subj.r*.tcat+orig.HEAD

# -------------------------------------------------
# generate scripts to review single subject results
# (try with defaults, but do not allow bad exit status)

# write AP uvars into a simple txt file
cat << EOF > out.ap_uvars.txt
  mot_limit          : 0.3
  out_limit          : 0.05
  copy_anat          : T1.D003+orig.HEAD
  errts_dset         : errts.${subj}.tproject+tlrc.HEAD
  mask_dset          : mask_epi_anat.$subj+tlrc.HEAD
  template           : MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz
  ss_review_dset     : out.ss_review.$subj.txt
  max_4095_warn_dset : out.4095_warn.txt
  vlines_tcat_dir    : vlines.pb00.tcat

# and convert the txt format to JSON
cat out.ap_uvars.txt | -eval "data_file_to_json()" \
  > out.ap_uvars.json

# initialize with out.ap_uvars.json -exit0        \
    -init_uvars_json out.ap_uvars.json \
    -write_uvars_json out.ss_review_uvars.json

# ========================== auto block: finalize ==========================

# remove temporary files
\rm -fr rm.* awpy

# --------------------------------------------------
# if the basic subject review script is here, run it
# (want this to be the last text output)
if ( -e @ss_review_basic ) then
    ./@ss_review_basic |& tee out.ss_review.$subj.txt

    # generate html ss review pages
    # (akin to static images from running @ss_review_driver) -review_style pythonic -subj_dir . \
        -uvar_json out.ss_review_uvars.json -qc_dir QC_$subj

    echo "\nconsider running: \n"
    echo "   afni_open -b /Users/andy/Desktop/Research/LDT/fMRI_data/preproc_afni/D003/QC_$subj/index.html"
    echo ""

# return to parent directory (just in case...)
cd ..

echo "execution finished: `date`"

# ==========================================================================
# script generated by the command:
# -subj_id D003 -script proc_D003 -out_dir                     \
#     /Users/andy/Desktop/Research/LDT/fMRI_data/preproc_afni/D003 -blocks  \
#     despike tshift align tlrc volreg blur mask scale regress -copy_anat   \
#     /Users/andy/Desktop/Research/LDT/fMRI_data/raw/D003/T1.D003.nii       \
#     -anat_has_skull yes -anat_uniform_method unifize -anat_unif_GM yes    \
#     -dsets                                                                \
#     /Users/andy/Desktop/Research/LDT/fMRI_data/raw/D003/func.D003.r01.nii \
#     /Users/andy/Desktop/Research/LDT/fMRI_data/raw/D003/func.D003.r02.nii \
#     /Users/andy/Desktop/Research/LDT/fMRI_data/raw/D003/func.D003.r03.nii \
#     /Users/andy/Desktop/Research/LDT/fMRI_data/raw/D003/func.D003.r04.nii \
#     /Users/andy/Desktop/Research/LDT/fMRI_data/raw/D003/func.D003.r05.nii \
#     /Users/andy/Desktop/Research/LDT/fMRI_data/raw/D003/func.D003.r06.nii \
#     -radial_correlate_blocks tcat volreg -blip_reverse_dset               \
#     /Users/andy/Desktop/Research/LDT/fMRI_data/raw/D003/dist_PA.D003.nii  \
#     -tlrc_base MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz -tlrc_NL_warp              \
#     -align_opts_aea -cost lpc+ZZ -giant_move -check_flip -volreg_align_to \
#     MIN_OUTLIER -volreg_align_e2a -volreg_tlrc_warp -blur_size 4.0        \
#     -mask_epi_anat yes -regress_motion_per_run -regress_censor_motion 0.3 \
#     -regress_censor_outliers 0.05 -regress_apply_mot_types demean deriv   \
#     -regress_est_blur_epits -regress_est_blur_errts -html_review_style    \
#     pythonic -execute

It happens courtesy of 3dSkullStrip in the align block using -anat2epi -anat T1.D003_unif+orig \
       -save_skullstrip -suffix _al_junk            \
       -epi vr_base_min_outlier+orig -epi_base 0    \
       -epi_strip 3dAutomask                        \
       -cost lpc+ZZ -giant_move -check_flip         \
       -volreg off -tshift off

You can notice that this block takes your original T1 (after 3dUnifize) and the next step (tlrc block) accepts the filename with an added _ns on it.

# ================================== tlrc ==================================
# warp anatomy to standard space (non-linear warp) -base MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz -input \
             T1.D003_unif_ns+orig                         \
             -skull_strip_input no -unifize_input no


Thanks for sharing the (AP) command. I had a couple small comments to share.

There are a couple papers that describe FMRI processing considerations in AFNI, listed here. The primary one now is this:

  • Reynolds RC, Glen DR, Chen G, Saad ZS, Cox RW, Taylor PA (2024). Processing, evaluating and understanding FMRI data with Imaging Neuroscience 2:1-52.

In general, we might recommend running @SSwarper or the newer sswarper2 prior to, and then providing its results of both skullstripping and nonlinear alignment to template. The anatomical skullstripping results should be better than the ones in, and also you get nonlinear alignment to template at the same time, which will be strongly recommended when going to standard space (over affine alignment). The help file for each program shows the options for loading it in. I think the output, skullstripped anatomical might also be unifized in brightness.

I ran your AP command, adding an option to compare your option choices with one of the existing examples in Actually, the selectable list of comparisons includes the published examples in the main AP paper I linked above, which is "publication #3". The third example in that is a resting state example, and you can refer to that set of options with: -compare_opts 'publish 3c'. So, literally I just took your full commmand and added that option:                                                             \
    -subj_id                  ${subj}                                    \
    -script                   proc_${subj}                               \
    -out_dir                  ${dir_preproc}                             \
    -blocks                   despike tshift align tlrc volreg blur mask \
                              scale regress                              \
    -regress_est_blur_errts   \
    -compare_opts 'publish 3c'

(In my script, I just gave your variables temporary placeholder names, but those don't really matter in the comparison I was doing.) The output is a comparison of the set of options. Of course, there will be some differences (the publication example had physiological regressors and blip up/down data), but it does help point out some things that might be useful to add:

  • I would add -align_unifize_epi local, which helps deal with local inhomogeneities in human EPI. I basically use this with all human FMRI data I process, because I have only ever seen it help or at least not harm. With nonhuman data processing, having more non-brain in the FOV means this option isn't as universally helpful at present.
  • I like including -volreg_warp_dxyz <size_in_mm>, because I like specifying the output voxel dimensions explicitly. You might indeed select what AP would choose by default (which is a bit of rounding up---please see the option help for the formula), but I like knowing it easily.
  • For QC purposes (and see here and here for more descriptions of the QC HTML that AP will provide), I would add -volreg_compute_tsnr yes.
    • Note that you shouldn't need to even add -html_review_style pythonic, because that will be the default to try.


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