AFNI version info (afni -ver):
macos_13_ARM_clang: Feb 27 2024 (Version AFNI_24.0.08 'Caracalla')


set dirA = /Volumes/NNU_Targeting/Analysis/GAM/SplittingBlocks/
set outdir = /Volumes/NNU_Targeting/Analysis/GAM/SplittingBlocks/PPI_Group                                              \
    -command       3dttest++                                      \
    -write_script cmd_ttest_lastvsfirstIncongruent.tcsh           \
    -prefix $outdir/paired-t-test                                 \
    -dsets $dirA/Stp_*/ACC_PPI_Incongruent_results/PPI.full.stats.Stp_*+tlrc   \
    -set_labels   PPI_Last_Incongruent PPI_First_Incongruent                          \
    -subs_betas   'PPI.Last_Incongruent#0_Coef' 'PPI.First_Incongruent#0_Coef'         \
    -options      -paired 

HI you all, I'm trying to run a gen_group_command to generate my command for upcoming ttest but I'm getting stuck with this error: No match.

Do you know what I'm missing here?



I think the No match here means that it is not finding datasets you are asking for, and I would guess the offending line is #12 above:

    -dsets $dirA/Stp_*/ACC_PPI_Incongruent_results/PPI.full.stats.Stp_*+tlrc   \

In AFNI, you can load in a dset by referring to PREFIX+tlrc, because AFNI programs recognize that even without the .HEAD or .BRIK. But here you are using a wildcard to glob for many files---you can't abbreviate the ending of the files, but instead must provide the full name so that the shell can find them. So, try adjusting that to have the full extension:

    -dsets $dirA/Stp_*/ACC_PPI_Incongruent_results/PPI.full.stats.Stp_*+tlrc.HEAD   \

("HEAD" being more stable than "BRIK" because the latter can be zipped).


Oh.. ok ! Let me try that!

worked ! thanks!