Hi experts,
I am having a question about the use of 3dMSS in a previous post. However, I am trying this program with the following code:
3dMSS -prefix $outputDir/MSS -jobs 10 \
-mrr 's(age)+s(age,by=grp)' \
-qVars 'age' \
-mask $inputDir/myMask.nii \
-bounds -2 2 \
-prediction $outputDir/@pred.txt \
-dataTable $inputDir/@data.txt
And I had a error like:
** ERROR: The last column must be "InputFile" [without quotes] (or "Ausgang_val" in some cases)!!!
The contents of @data.txt is:
Subj age grp InputFile
s1 22 -1 /Volumes/RogerSSD/fMRI2023/result/PA4/epi01.nii.gz
s2 24 -1 /Volumes/RogerSSD/fMRI2023/result/PA5/epi01.nii.gz
s3 20 1 /Volumes/RogerSSD/fMRI2023/result/PA6/epi01.nii.gz
s4 25 1 /Volumes/RogerSSD/fMRI2023/result/PA7/epi01.nii.gz
The contents of @pred.txt is:
label age
s1 22
s2 24
s3 20
s4 25
I make sure that the directory of all data is right. I have tried vi $inputDir/@data.txt
and vi $inputDir/@pred.txt
and open the two files correctly. So I have no idea about how to deal with this problem. Could you help me to solve this error?
Meanwhile, I am trying using 3dMSS to analyze the task-fMRI data. But I don't know how to provide my stim file which is needed in afni_proc.py with -regreee_stim_times and -regreee_stim_labels
. But I read this article and the authors use 3dMSS to analyze the task-fMRI data. How to understand it?
Thank you in advance!