ERROR: The last column must be "InputFile" [without quotes] in 3dMSS

Hi experts,

I am having a question about the use of 3dMSS in a previous post. However, I am trying this program with the following code:

3dMSS -prefix $outputDir/MSS -jobs 10 \
      -mrr 's(age)+s(age,by=grp)' \
      -qVars 'age' \
      -mask $inputDir/myMask.nii \
      -bounds -2 2 \
      -prediction $outputDir/@pred.txt \
      -dataTable $inputDir/@data.txt

And I had a error like:

** ERROR: The last column must be "InputFile" [without quotes] (or "Ausgang_val" in some cases)!!!

The contents of @data.txt is:

Subj age grp InputFile
s1 22 -1 /Volumes/RogerSSD/fMRI2023/result/PA4/epi01.nii.gz
s2 24 -1 /Volumes/RogerSSD/fMRI2023/result/PA5/epi01.nii.gz
s3 20 1 /Volumes/RogerSSD/fMRI2023/result/PA6/epi01.nii.gz
s4 25 1 /Volumes/RogerSSD/fMRI2023/result/PA7/epi01.nii.gz

The contents of @pred.txt is:

label age
s1 22
s2 24
s3 20
s4 25

I make sure that the directory of all data is right. I have tried vi $inputDir/@data.txt and vi $inputDir/@pred.txt and open the two files correctly. So I have no idea about how to deal with this problem. Could you help me to solve this error?

Meanwhile, I am trying using 3dMSS to analyze the task-fMRI data. But I don't know how to provide my stim file which is needed in with -regreee_stim_times and -regreee_stim_labels. But I read this article and the authors use 3dMSS to analyze the task-fMRI data. How to understand it?

Thank you in advance!


Hi Roger,

The input files for 3dMSS should be the estimated hemodynamic response from each individual. In other words, use 3dDeconvolve/3dREMLfit to estimate the hemodynamic response at the condition level using TENT or CSPLIN. In other words, the time series at the individual level (e.g., epi01.nii.gz in your case) should be used for estimating the hemodynamic response.

Gang Chen