Hi PT,
Thank you for your reply and your code.
I just tried your fix, running my code with:
setenv SUMA_Position_Original "0 0 1501 1100"
setenv SUMA_Position_Original "0 0 3002 1706"
I ended up with the same size file (both 215kB) but I now think that it might be because my view file is changing the window size/ resolution/ something. I think this because I saw my SUMA window become large while everything was initially booting up, then shrink again to the same size both times - presumably my saved view size, which loaded later on.
Is there a way to keep the positioning of my original saved views (as they are centred on my ROI for each participant), but make the image higher res/ bigger?
As an additional question, I don't know much about environment variables, should my suma -update_env go before or after I set my environment variables with setenv (or does it not matter)?
Sorry, my code is a bit long and clunky, it grew out of my control 
#!/bin/tcsh -xef
## Set/ change some SUMA environment variables
# Update - fixes issues with driving SUMA - should go after stuff below??
suma -update_env
# Added from forum post
setenv SUMA_DriveSumaMaxCloseWait 20
setenv SUMA_DriveSumaMaxWait 10
# Size of the viewer window (bigger -> higher res), given as:leftcorner_X leftcorner_Y windowwidth_X windowwith_Y
# ... and a small quirk: the width is tweaked in a DriveSuma command below to have width=800 (instead of 801),
# to refresh the viewer, so the brain is centered. The exact numbers don't matter, but if the viewer size is *only* set below, suma controller blocks view of the viewer.
# setenv SUMA_Position_Original "0 0 1501 1100" # what I originally used to use on work mac - but may have used the below as width was not wide enough to allow 1100
# setenv SUMA_Position_Original "0 0 1501 853" # width on work comp is actually 853
# setenv SUMA_Position_Original "0 0 3002 2200" # Double res for what I used to use
setenv SUMA_Position_Original "0 0 3002 1706" # Might be what I actually want to keep aspect ratio at bigger image resolution
#setenv SUMA_Light0Position "10 1 1"
# Moved some setenv stuff related to recording down as was needed in script order
set get = 1 # Which number participant (in order on list below); 7 = P008_AY; 11 = P012_AY
set ii = 5 # Which image to load: 1 = fingertips; 2 = columns; 3 = (binarised) columns; 4 = (binarised) columns intersect maps; 5 = (binarised) laminar columns maps; 6 = P012 AY 6/12 runs intersection; 7 = P012 AY s1 6x s2 6 intersection
# Set depth num - not used unless ii == 5, but needed for load
set num = 0.0
# Automatically add session append if needed
if ( $get == 11 ) then
set append_file = .12runs
set append_sub = 2
else if ($get == 7) then
set append_file =
set append_sub = 1
set append_file =
set append_sub =
set surfview = 3 # 1 = pial; 2 = inf15k; 3 = sphere
set makeortake = 3 # 1 = make; 2 = take image; 3 = both (works like 1 but adds take image on the end)
if ( $surfview == 1 ) then
if ( $makeortake == 1 || $makeortake == 3 ) then
# Load suma
set withload = 1 # 1 = Load suma from start
else if ( $makeortake == 2 ) then
set withload = 2
set withload = 2 # 2 = suma already open
set withload = 1 # Reset if needed
set view = 3 # Use 1 = canonical orientation; 2 = view of sub before; 3 = sub themselves
# Derive sub things (AY = 7; AY2 = 11)
set subs_c = ( "P002_HW" "P003_GS" "P004_LF" "P005_RG" "P006_AF" "P007_HB" "P008_AY" "P009_ZQ" "P010_SB" "P011_AV" "P012_AY")
set subs_f = ( "P009_HW" "P013_GS" "P005_LF" "P003_RG" "P004_AF" "P008_HB" "P007_AY" "P010_ZQ" "P011_SB" "P006_AV" "P007_AY")
set sub_c = $subs_c[$get]
set sub_f = $subs_f[$get]
set sub_num_c = `echo $sub_c | awk '{print substr($0,1,4)}'`
set sub_num_f = `echo $sub_f | awk '{print substr($0,1,4)}'`
set init = `echo $sub_c | awk '{print substr($0,6,7)}'`
@ get2 = $get - 1
set init_b4 = $subs_c[$get2]
set init_b4 = `echo $init_b4 | awk '{print substr($0,6,7)}'`
# Derive view things
if ( $surfview == 1 ) then
set inflation_name = pial
else if ( $surfview == 2 ) then
set inflation_name = inf15k
else if ( $surfview == 3 ) then
set inflation_name = sphere
# port number for AFNI+SUMA to talk to each other - manually set to 0 so works when not loading for first time - do not change
set portnum = 0
# set portnum = `afni -available_npb_quiet`
# directories
set base_dir = "/scratch/cvl/uqhdemp1/Data/Columns/derivatives/afni"
set sub_dir = "$base_dir/P00_${init}${append_sub}_antsTemp.dense.fs"
# set up datasets you want to look at
set all_dset = ( "$sub_dir/vis/pb10.${sub_num_f}_${init}.rall.scale.trim.resamp2nn.surf.blur0.3dD_sine.DEL.niml.dset" \
"$sub_dir/vis/stats.${sub_num_c}_${init}.resamp2nn.surf.blur0.roi.niml.dset" \
"$base_dir/Binarised_maps/stats.${sub_num_c}_${init}.resamp2nn.surf.blur0.roi${append_file}_bin_mask.niml.dset" \
"$base_dir/Intersection_maps/stats.${sub_num_c}_${init}.resamp2nn.surf.blur0.roi_bin_mask_statsINTERSECT${append_file}.niml.dset" \
"$base_dir/Binarised_maps/Laminar/stats.${sub_num_c}_${init}.resamp2nn.equivol${num}.surf.blur0.padded.roi_bin_mask.niml.dset" \
"$base_dir/Intersection_maps/stats.${sub_num_c}_${init}.resamp2nn.surf.blur0.roi${append_file}_bin_mask_statsINTERSECT.niml.dset" \
"$base_dir/Intersection_maps/stats.${sub_num_c}_${init}.resamp2nn.surf.blur0.roi_bin_mask_statsINTERSECT.6runs.s1s2.niml.dset" )
set all_cbar = ( "afni_n20" \
"afni_n6" \
"Spectrum:red_to_blue+gap" \
"Spectrum:red_to_blue+gap" \
"Spectrum:red_to_blue+gap" \
"Spectrum:red_to_blue+gap" \
"Spectrum:red_to_blue+gap" )
set dset_ii = ${all_dset[${ii}]}
set cbar_ii = ${all_cbar[${ii}]}
set spec = "P00_${init}_antsTemp.dense.fs_lh.spec"
set sv = "${init}_columns_SurfVol_Alnd_Exp+orig"
# Set up stuff for recording
# Get save image name - these two below do the same thing
# set img_pre = `echo $dset_ii | awk -F/ '{print $NF}'`
set img_pre = `basename "$dset_ii" ".niml.dset"`
set img_pre = ${img_pre}_${inflation_name}
# SUMA_AutoRecordPrefix (env): Prefix for autorecord (suma’s Ctrl+R) files. FreeSurfer states should not be sent to AFNI. Add a path if you want the files to endup in a particular directory. You can also add an extension to prefix to specify the output type. Choose from .jpg, .ppm, or .1D . The fallback type is .jpg
setenv SUMA_AutoRecordPrefix "${base_dir}/${img_pre}"
# Increase the resolution of images recorded with ‘r’ button. Increase is done by taking multiple shots that once stitched together form a high-resolution image. The maximum resolution is set by the GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS of your graphics card. I have 4096 pixels. If you exceed this number, SUMA will make adjustments automatically. Assemble images with program imcat.
# setenv SUMA_SnapshotOverSampling "4"
# # If loading from the start
if ( $withload == 1 ) then
# Change dir to data
cd $sub_dir/SUMA
# open up surfaces - columns image can be used for fingertips and columns
suma -echo_edu -npb $portnum \
-niml \
-spec $spec \
-sv $sv &
sleep 45
# Turn *OFF* visibility of the crosshair, selector node, selector faceset, and label
DriveSuma -echo_edu -npb $portnum \
-com viewer_cont -key 'F3' -key 'F4' -key 'F5' -key 'F9'
sleep 1
# End of withload loop
# Open surface controller
DriveSuma -echo_edu -npb $portnum \
-com surf_cont -view_surf_cont y
sleep 2
# Open dset, and set colorbar
DriveSuma -echo_edu -npb $portnum \
-com surf_cont -load_dset ${dset_ii} \
-com surf_cont -switch_cmap ${cbar_ii}
sleep 3
# Open old roi if it exists, and set opacity/disp mode/colorbar (could be put into loop above with another array for "Dsp" opts)
set roi_file = fMap_Q001_postAl.niml.dset
if ( -e $sub_dir/vis/$roi_file) then
DriveSuma -echo_edu -npb $portnum \
-com object_cont -load_dset $sub_dir/vis/$roi_file \
-com object_cont -1_only n \
-com object_cont -Dsp Con
sleep 1
# Open correct inflation
if ( $withload == 1 ) then
if ($surfview == 1) then
# Pial
DriveSuma -echo_edu -npb $portnum \
-com viewer_cont -key '.'
else if ($surfview == 2) then
# Inf15k
if ($withload == 1) then
DriveSuma -echo_edu -npb $portnum \
-com viewer_cont -key ','
DriveSuma -echo_edu -npb $portnum \
-com viewer_cont -key:r2 ','
else if ($surfview == 3) then
# Sphere
if ($withload == 1) then
DriveSuma -echo_edu -npb $portnum \
-com viewer_cont -key:r4 ','
DriveSuma -echo_edu -npb $portnum \
-com viewer_cont -key:r3 ','
sleep 5
# Change to desired orientation
if ( $view == 1 ) then
# Use canonical orientation
if ( $surfview == 1 ) then
# Pial
DriveSuma -echo_edu -npb $portnum \
-com viewer_cont -key 'Ctrl+left' \
-com viewer_cont -key:r9 'Z'
else if ( $surfview == 2 ) then
# Inf15k
DriveSuma -echo_edu -npb $portnum \
-com viewer_cont -key 'Ctrl+left' \
-com viewer_cont -key:r11 'Z'
else if ( $surfview == 3 ) then
# Sphere
DriveSuma -echo_edu -npb $portnum \
-com viewer_cont -key:r5 'right' \
-com viewer_cont -key:r3 'up' \
-com viewer_cont -key:r11 'Z'
else if ( $view == 2 ) then
# Use sub b4 OR view b4 (if inf15k)
if ( $surfview == 2 ) then
DriveSuma -echo_edu -npb $portnum \
-com viewer_cont -load_view $base_dir/Views/${init}_pial.niml.vvs
DriveSuma -echo_edu -npb $portnum \
-com viewer_cont -load_view $base_dir/Views/${init_b4}_${inflation_name}.niml.vvs
else if ( $view == 3 ) then
# Use sub themselves
DriveSuma -echo_edu -npb $portnum \
-com viewer_cont -load_view $base_dir/Views/${init}_${inflation_name}.niml.vvs
# Turn off background attenutation (so can't see convexity through functional data)
DriveSuma -echo_edu -npb $portnum \
-com viewer_cont -key 'a'
# # Manual stuff for fingertip maps=
# Change T (thresh) to 2: corr coeff
# Turn sym (symmetrical) off
# Set I (intensity) range to 0 48
# Drag slider to q = .05
# End of makeortake if
# Change background colour to white - do at end as it gets reset in sphere
DriveSuma -echo_edu -npb $portnum \
-com viewer_cont -bkg_col 1 1 1
if ( $makeortake == 2 || $makeortake == 3 ) then
# Take image
DriveSuma \
-echo_edu -npb $portnum \
-com viewer_cont -key 'Ctrl+r'