"Done registering vol: GPUassert: invalid device symbol" ?


I am running the following TORTOISE v4 command on a GPU setup (on NIH's Biowulf system, if that matters):

TORTOISEProcess_cuda                               \
    --up_data         DTI_BUP.nii                  \
    --down_data       DTI_BDOWN.nii                \
    --structural      ${dset_anat}                 \
    --is_human_brain  0                            \
    --denoising       for_final                    \
    --gibbs           1                            \
    --s2v             0                            \
    --repol           0                            \
    --epi             DRBUDDI                      \
    --output_res      ${output_res}                \
    --output          out_tort_dwi_${subj}_${ses}  

It is running, but during part of the processing, I get a a cryptic error/warning message:

Starting DIFFPREP correction for data:0
Selecting the best b=0 image.
Selected b=0 volume id: 4
Registering DWIs...
NGPUs: 1
Done registering vol: GPUassert: invalid device symbol /usr/local/apps/tortoisev4/nightly/src/cuda_src/gaussian_smooth_image.cu 188

Is this a problem?
