I have some questions in 3dTtest -mask. I have aligned all my single subject data to the MNI152 space (MNI152_T1_2009c+tlrc) by afni_proc. I have already established whole-brain functional connectivity (PPI) using seed regions. Now, I intend to conduct a 3dTtest to assess differences between two conditions.
1)My question is that I just want it to be focused on the cortical voxels in 3dTtest. In this context, I'm wondering which mask I should employ?
2)I try to use 3drefit and 3dsample to make aparc.a2009s+aseg_REN_gmrois.nii.gz(I know this is part of suma_MNI152_2009) fit the MNI152_T1_2009c+tlrc and use aparc.a2009s+aseg_REN_gmrois.nii.gz as the cortical mask, is this mask right?
3)or maybe you can tell my some other masks that would be better.
As one option, if all your datasets are in MNI152 space currently, then one option would be to use a cortical mask of the MNI template brain:
3dcalc -a MNI152_T1_2009c+tlrc. -expr 'bool(a)' -prefix MASK_MNI.nii.gz
After that, you might just need to resample the result to the EPI data grid, like with this (where DSET_EPI would be replaced by a final EPI dataset after processing):
The practical challenge of that approach is that not all subjects may have data throughout the mask. So we have a second option to consider:
When running afni_proc.py, we typically estimate a mask_epi_anat* dataset, and that provides a good measure of where there is EPI data for that subject. More of using this dataset is described here:
Taylor PA, Chen G, Glen DR, Rajendra JK, Reynolds RC, Cox RW (2018).
FMRI processing with AFNI: Some comments and corrections on ‘Exploring
the Impact of Analysis Software on Task fMRI Results’.
bioRxiv 308643; doi:10.1101/308643 https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/308643v1.abstract
In the code associated with that paper (see here) we show an example of using 3dmask_tool to take the intersection of all group masks for analysis (the -input .. here is just one way to glob for all mask_epi_anat*HEAD dsets across all subjects---you might have a different recipe to list all of them):
In other cases, we have used a 70% overlap to define a group mask area, such as in this paper, which has associated 3dmask_tool example here, where one just changes that fraction value from 1.0 to 0.7 in the command.
Finally, as a third option, while I can see why masking brain results for 3dttest++ makes sense, note that there is also a case to be made for showing unmasked results, as described here:
Taylor PA, Reynolds RC, Calhoun V, Gonzalez-Castillo J, Handwerker DA, Bandettini PA, Mejia AF, Chen G (2023). Highlight Results, Don’t Hide Them: Enhance interpretation, reduce biases and improve reproducibility. Neuroimage 274:120138. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.120138 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37116766/
Thank you so much for the instruction. I’ll try these.
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