CombineDWIs and CombineDWIsWithBMatrix are indeed the right way to combine data The first one is for data with bvecs/bvals.
That boost error might happen because of several reasons.
You might not have permission to create folders in that current folder layout.
Boost used to have a bug that made it crash when running in temporary filesystems, which are the common filesystems in clusters. I thought this was fixed but maybe not.
Try the following and let me know if it works. Copy the nifti files and their corresponding bvecs/bvals into a single folder and run it from there without giving a folder name, such as:
cd myfolder_containing_alldata
CombineDWIsWithBMatrix myoutput.nii myDWI1.nii myDWI2.nii
just filenames, no folders. Let me know. If this doesnt work, try with FULL paths and let me know.
Thanks-- does not seem to be a permissions issue. The same error occurs whether given full paths or local paths.
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