Can't customize window size and font size in AFNI.afnirc

AFNI version info (afni -ver):

Hi, I am using a high-resolution PC with display settings set to 3200x1800. How can I manually adjust the font and popup window sizes of ANFI?

There is not a lot of way to control GUI size and font size, but there is some.

From the list of environment variables (which are the ones sent in ~/.afnirc, you can set AFNI_FONTSIZE:

    This variable can be used to set the AFNI controller font sizes.
    It is a convenient way to avoid using the '-XXXfontsize' option.
    The values this variable can take are:
       MINUS ==> smaller than normal fonts
       PLUS  ==> larger than normal fonts
       BIG   ==> much larger than normal fonts

You can also control similar via command line option when running afni:

 -XXXfontsize plus     = set all the X11 fonts used by AFNI to be one
   *OR*                  size larger ('plus') or to be one size smaller
 -XXXfontsize minus      ('minus').  The 'plus' version I find useful for
   *OR*                  a screen resolution of about 100 dots per inch
 -XXXfontsize big        (40 dots per cm) -- you can find what the system
   *OR*                  thinks your screen resolution is by the command
 -big                      xdpyinfo | grep -i resolution
   *OR*                  ++ Applying 'plus' twice is the same as 'big'.
 -plus                   ++ Using 'big' will use large Adobe Courier fonts.
   *OR*                  ++ Alternatively, you can control each of the 4 fonts
 -minus                     that AFNI uses, via the 4 following options ...
   *OR*                  ++ You can also set the fontsize for your copy
 -norm                      of AFNI in your ~/.afnirc file by setting
                            environment variable AFNI_FONTSIZE to one of:
                              big *OR* minus *or* plus
                         ++ Using 'norm' gives the default AFNI font sizes.

When teaching and using a projection screen, I typically use:

afni -big
