Cannot download atlases and NiiVue

I am trying to install afni on an M2 Mac running OS 13.7

I get a 404 error when getting to the step to download atlases and NiiVue.

Specifically, this command:
curl -f -O
and this command:
curl -f -O
both return this error:
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

It then informs me:
** error: failed to download AFNI atlas package
-- no atlas backup to restore from
continuing with build, but will not install

Any ideas what could be the issue?
Why can't curl find the file?

Sorry, our main server just got rebuilt, and the data tree is being sync'd back in. Hopefully that will be done tonight.


  • rick

Thanks! Good to know I wasn't making an error somewhere. I will try again later,


Oh, I saw the atlases had not yet sync'd, and cheated and got them separately. Some files do not yet exist, but there should be enough to run now.

Thanks for the reminder!

  • rick

I have it up and running smoothly. Thanks!

Great, thanks for the update!
