Best module for brain wide voxel comparisons in single beta weights between unequal-n patient groups?

AFNI version info (afni -ver):

Hello. I'm successfully using 3dMVM to compare task contrast-based activations in four patient groups of different sample sizes, after having utilized the exemplars in the -help for 3dMVM. However, I am wondering whether I can use 3dMVM to just compare single-event betas (i.e. against implicit baseline). There appears to be no exemplar or syntax for that. What would be an approporiate software, and if 3dMVM, could some sample syntax be furnished? Thanks -Jim

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Hi Jim,

I am wondering whether I can use 3dMVM to just compare single-event betas (i.e. against implicit baseline).

Could you provide more context for your question? Specifically, are you aiming to compare the four groups for a single event? What aspects of specifying a model using 3dMVM do you find challenging?

Gang Chen

Hi Gang. Yes, I just want to compare four groups on a single beta sub-brik (not a contrast). I cannot deduce from extant 3dMVM material how that would be scripted in the 3dMVM command. All the examples use -gltlabel and -gltcode, so I don't know what the syntax would look like to just have a single event type compared between groups. Could I even use 3dMVM?

You may set the model as the following

3dMVM ...         \
-bsVars group               \

Gang Chen

Thanks Gang. I've been making progress. However, when I expanded the number of contrasts to compare between groups, I get this error that the number of -gltLabel is not consistent with that specified in the -num_glt line. However, as you can see from the attached script pic, I see that I've got it all lined up correctly (unless I missed something). Might there be a bug? -J


Try running your 3dMVM script by changing the option -gltlabel to -gltLabel in the second and third contrasts.

Gang Chen

Gang, you deserve a raise. -J