you were right; everything is horrible, I can't even see any shape out of the aligned image. sad
i did desphinxified, inverted t1w template brightness, animal_warper (both rigid and affine)
see this link. if you search "animal warper (affine)" you can see the result.
at the end of the jupyter notebook, I inverted CT brightness. I wanted to align the inverted CT to the original MRI template. It's too noisy. I should probably do some thresholding there.
But there is one more problem. The CT file has spacing (1, 1, 1) and image size (163, 212, 232), while the T1 MRI template has spacing (0.2, 0.2, 0.2) and image size (147, 200, 135). If I resample CT to T1 MRI resolution, I'll get CT size (815, 1060, 1160)—crazy. So, in my animal_warper, I used the original CT shape.
regarding the second approach, "Tagalign plugin," sounds like a landmark registration? 12 points in order is quite challenging...
here is CT metadata
Spacing [1, 1, 1]
Origin [0, 0, 0]
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
Size : 163 212 232
Image Dimensions : [163, 212, 232]
Bounding Box : {[0 0 0], [163 212 232]}
Voxel Spacing : [1, 1, 1]
Intensity Range : [0, 255]
Mean Intensity : 16.6623
Direction Cos Mtx. :
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
Voxel->RAS x-form :
Image Metadata:
ITK_original_direction of unsupported type N3itk6MatrixIdLj3ELj3EEE
ITK_original_spacing of unsupported type NSt3__16vectorIdNS_9allocatorIdEEEE
ITK_sform_corrected = NO
bitpix = 8
cal_max = 0
cal_min = 0
datatype = 2
dim[0] = 3
dim[1] = 163
dim[2] = 212
dim[3] = 232
dim[4] = 1
dim[5] = 1
dim[6] = 1
dim[7] = 1
dim_info = 0
intent_code = 0
intent_p1 = 0
intent_p2 = 0
intent_p3 = 0
nifti_type = 1
pixdim[0] = 0
pixdim[1] = 1
pixdim[2] = 1
pixdim[3] = 1
pixdim[4] = 0
pixdim[5] = 0
pixdim[6] = 0
pixdim[7] = 0
qfac = 1
qform_code = 1
qform_code_name = NIFTI_XFORM_SCANNER_ANAT
qoffset_x = -0
qoffset_y = -0
qoffset_z = 0
qto_xyz of unsupported type N3itk6MatrixIfLj4ELj4EEE
quatern_b = 0
quatern_c = 0
quatern_d = 1
scl_inter = 0
scl_slope = 1
sform_code = 1
sform_code_name = NIFTI_XFORM_SCANNER_ANAT
slice_code = 0
slice_duration = 0
slice_end = 0
slice_start = 0
srow_x = -1 0 0 -0
srow_y = 0 -1 0 -0
srow_z = 0 0 1 0
toffset = 0
vox_offset = 352
xyzt_units = 2
here is T1 MRI template meta data:
Spacing [0.2, 0.2, 0.2]
Origin [14.6, 14.4, -3.6]
-1 0 0
0 -1 0
0 0 1
Size : 147 200 135
Image Dimensions : [147, 200, 135]
Bounding Box : {[14.6 14.4 -3.6], [44 54.4 23.4]}
Voxel Spacing : [0.2, 0.2, 0.2]
Intensity Range : [-5.25192e-05, 5.32487]
Mean Intensity : 0.999127
Direction Cos Mtx. :
-1 0 0
0 -1 0
0 0 1
Voxel->RAS x-form :
Image Metadata:
ITK_original_direction of unsupported type N3itk6MatrixIdLj3ELj3EEE
ITK_original_spacing of unsupported type NSt3__16vectorIdNS_9allocatorIdEEEE
ITK_sform_corrected = NO
bitpix = 32
cal_max = 0
cal_min = 0
datatype = 16
dim[0] = 3
dim[1] = 147
dim[2] = 200
dim[3] = 135
dim[4] = 1
dim[5] = 1
dim[6] = 1
dim[7] = 1
dim_info = 0
intent_code = 0
intent_p1 = 0
intent_p2 = 0
intent_p3 = 0
nifti_type = 1
pixdim[0] = 0
pixdim[1] = 0.2
pixdim[2] = 0.2
pixdim[3] = 0.2
pixdim[4] = 0
pixdim[5] = 0
pixdim[6] = 0
pixdim[7] = 0
qfac = 1
qform_code = 1
qform_code_name = NIFTI_XFORM_SCANNER_ANAT
qoffset_x = -14.6
qoffset_y = -14.4
qoffset_z = -3.6
qto_xyz of unsupported type N3itk6MatrixIfLj4ELj4EEE
quatern_b = 0
quatern_c = 0
quatern_d = 0
scl_inter = 0
scl_slope = 1
sform_code = 0
sform_code_name = NIFTI_XFORM_UNKNOWN
slice_code = 0
slice_duration = 0
slice_end = 0
slice_start = 0
srow_x = 0 0 0 0
srow_y = 0 0 0 0
srow_z = 0 0 0 0
toffset = 0
vox_offset = 352
xyzt_units = 2