AFNI realtime Siemens SMS EPI error

I am trying to implement a realtime fMRI neurofeedback application for the 7T Siemens (Terra.X) machine at my current institution. The scan sequence is a built-in Siemens simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) protocol. We are exporting the EPI data using a BOLD add-in feature (syngo MR XA30 platform) to our processing computer with AFNI (v24.1.06 April 26, 2024) running Ubuntu.

I am building off of the scripts that I successfully implemented in 2018 on the 3T Siemens Prisma at the NIH Clinical Center (with Vinai Roopchansingh). Everything seems to be working properly up to a point (AFNI opens in RT mode, computer receives DICOMS, Dimon (v.4.32) sends incoming DICOMS to AFNI). As far as I can tell, AFNI seems to be interpreting each volume (76 slices, TR = 1) as 76 individual volumes instead of slices. I have attached an image of the real time plot AFNI generates by default. The Dimon output below lists the volumes correctly, but lags (does not move to the next volume until AFNI finishes plotting the 76 slices).

Dimon output:
ART: comm link to afni established at
-- scanning for first volume
++Data detected to be oblique
**CID: have non-mosaic <full_file_path>.dcm with 76 images
*+ WARNING: Bad DICOM header - assuming oblique scaling direction!
**CID: have non-mosaic <full_file_path>.dcm with 76 images
no more warnings will be printed...

-- first volume found (1 slices)
-- scanning for additional volumes...
-- run ##: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Note that the script I run uses Dimon as follows:
Dimon -rt -quit -inf

I tried modifications to Dimon (below), and in non-real time mode, which produced the same behavior as described above.
"-num_slices 76"

Is there something else I should implement so that AFNI parses the incoming data appropriately, or is this novel behavior? Thanks for your help.

-Samantha Fede

Hi Samantha,
Have you got it to work?
I am facing the same issue on XA60 but I don't know what BOLD Add-in is, I just export to a samba drive by setting ideacmdtool's parameter "sendIMA" to "ON".

I think that our problem is due to the fact that the DICOM are now enhanced and that Dimon cannot read enhanced DICOMs for the moment. See this thread: about Dimon and XA30.

So for offline data it seems to work with dcm2niix as it expects a directory as input but for a stream of DICOMs, it seems pretty difficult to use dcm2niix as it lacks the "-rt" option of Dimon.

Thank you,

There is also rumor of a compatibility option that would allow the scanners to write out the older form of DICOM images. It has not been verified as far as I know.

  • rick

We're still experiencing this issue. The compatibility option does not seem to be available for the rt export function-- we've looked and also asked our Siemens contacts, who said as far as he knows that mode is only designed to apply to the PACS export and cannot be applied to the real time export.

I sent a phantom DICOM to Rick a bit ago so hoping there's a solution the AFNI can develop? Thanks for your help, Rick.

Thank you Rick and Samantha,
I did a test using "interoperability" (i.e. not enhanced) and the real time exported DICOMs were still enhanced.

I am trying to unenhance the dicoms with help of gdcmtar to a temporary directory from where I could run Dimon (this time without option -assume_dicom_mosaic) but it might take some time to get it work since it generates Nslices times more files at once.

I'll be interested to hear if you can get something to work with this! Please let us know if you figure something out.

I like rumors so I am still trying to find a way to export data real-time in mosaic, but so far (after asking the few specialists I know) I have only been able to export in Mosaic offline, i.e. not real-time. However, when we press the "in-line" viewer on the console, we can see data presented as mosaic real-time, so maybe there is a way.
Even though I was able to use gdcmtar to convert the enhanced DICOM into unenhanced (not mosaic, but rather slicewise - ) DICOMs, I gave up the idea when I read again the help of dcm2niix_afni. The solution might be to use dcm2niix_afni with single file option, i.e. "-s y -z n" and maybe even "-b n" to convert the DICOMs into nifti first. Then I am able to use Dimon with option "-file_type AFNI".
It works for me but I am worried about warnings from dcm2niix of the sort:

CSA slice timing based on 2nd volume, 1st volume corrupted (CMRR bug, range 70200..71477.5, TR=1350 ms)

These warnings come that I use CMRR or vendor bold seuqence. I am still working on this but it looks promising. At least it works fast enough for "real-time" motion estimation.

Sorry for the hope, I made a mistake.
The conversion to NIFTI works in real-time and the converted files can be read by AFNI offline but they are not a correct input for Dimon. So real-time AFNI displays pictures that make no sens. So I'll have to work deeper on that issue or to work further on the gdcmtar solution.

I sent this info to the OP via email, but this might be useful for others. This particular format from Siemens is a bit tricky, but the Dimon command seems to work with little help. It’s not general because you have to know the number of slices to start the way I did it. You could automate that by getting that from a test run of dcm2niix_afni.

Dimon -gert_nz 76 -gert_to3d_prefix t3dtest -quit  \
    -infile_pattern "20240607.feedback_test.P7T06072024/*.dcm"  \
    -assume_dicom_mosaic -use_obl_origin  -gert_create_dataset

It still reports on something wrong with the volume 0, so you will need to check slice timing, TR and orientation. Hope that helps.

Thank you Daniel!

It is no problem to adapt the number of slices. However, The stream is not displayed. I have to wait until the whole fMRI run is transferred and then I get the pop-up window related to to3d joined as attachment, asking me to make some change. So there is no real-time stream displayed.

Here is part of the information I get from Dimon:

++ writing dimon file list to
++ oblique data: applying to3d -oblique_origin
** warning, have signed short overflow to unsigned,
applying -ushort2float in GERT_Reco to3d command

set OutlierCheck =
to3d -assume_dicom_mosaic -prefix t3dtest -ushort2float -oblique_origin -@
++ to3d: AFNI version=AFNI_24.3.01 (Oct 9 2024) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: RW Cox
++ It is best to use to3d via the Dimon program.
++ Counting images: total=48 2D slices
++ DICOM WARNING: file 001_000005_000001_1. has Rescale tags
setenv AFNI_DICOM_RESCALE YES to enforce them
++ Data detected to be oblique
*+ WARNING: DICOM file 001_000005_000001_1.
--> unsigned 16-bit; AFNI stores as signed; 3336 pixels < 0
--> consider 'to3d -ushort2float', if not already being applied
++ Each 2D slice is 64 X 86 pixels
++ Voxel dimensions: 3.0000 X 3.0000 X 3.0000 mm
++ Reading images: ........................
++ Number of non-float slices converted to floats = 48
++ Number of overflow shorts converted to floats = 3336
*+ WARNING: Image Positions do not lie in same direction as cross product vector: 0.213500
++ 3D dataset written to disk
-- writing file list to (NULL)...
final_list : +d opening file for 'def=stderr'...

file index findex sindex state errs zoff diff data run IIND RIN etime enum GEMEIND ATIME

001_000005_000001_1. 0 0 -1 1 0 -9.52773 0.000 0 5 -1 1 -1.000 1 -1 0.000
-- file list written for def=stderr

The image dimension is correct as well as the number of slices and the voxel's dimensions. The enhanced DICOMs are in 16 bits but the to3d commands automatically generated includes conversion to float ( to3d -assume_dicom_mosaic -prefix t3dtest -ushort2float -oblique_origin -@
). I wonder why it waits for the end of the run and then why the pop-up window appears.

EDIT: As the MRI is not always available, I am simulating the stream from a RT-fMRI acquisition I performed 2 days ago and that I backed-up into another directory. I am copying each 3D dicom file (actually 4D enhanced, time not being the 4th dimension so we get one file per volume) to the rt-dicom directory leaving a TR long pause between each "cp" command.

to3d will prompt if it doesn't have the full information needed to write a file. I think it's missing the prefix here. From Dimon, that's supplied by -gert_to3d_prefix option.

It will also pop that up if the output prefix dataset already exists. So you might give a new
-gert_to3d_prefix option.

  • rick

Thanks for your response-- This solution didn't work for me. I tried the modification of Dimon code as you suggested and it displayed the same behavior as before-- each of the slices is being plotted separately in the output graph, which introduced lag in processing incoming volumes in real time. I tried it both on the phantom data I sent you and new incoming data in realtime.

Actually, this seemed to work for me on your sample data:

Dimon -infile_pre 001 -gert_nz 76 -assume_dicom_mosaic \
      -use_obl_origin -gert_create_dataset

Any previous OutBrick* dataset should not be sitting there though, to3d will not overwrite it.


This what I get on my terminal when running:

Dimon -infile_pre 004 -gert_nz 60 -assume_dicom_mosaic -gert_to3d_prefix t3dtest -quit -use_obl_origin -gert_create_dataset

Dimon version 4.34 (September 5, 2024) running, use to quit...

-- scanning for first volume
++ Data detected to be oblique
** CID: have non-mosaic 004_000025_000001_1. with 60 images
*+ WARNING: Bad DICOM header - assuming oblique scaling direction!
** CID: have non-mosaic 004_000025_000002_1. with 60 images
no more warnings will be printed...

-- first volume found (1 slices)
-- scanning for additional volumes...
-- run 25: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

final run statistics:
volume info :
slices : 1
z_first : -80.28
z_last : -80.28
z_delta : 2.5
oblique : yes
mos_nslices : 0

run #  25 : volumes =  34, first file (#0) = 004_000025_000001_1.

++ writing dimon file list to
++ oblique data: applying to3d -oblique_origin
set OutlierCheck =
to3d -assume_dicom_mosaic -prefix t3dtest -time:zt 60 34 1.07sec alt+z -oblique_origin -@
++ to3d: AFNI version=AFNI_24.3.05 (Oct 26 2024) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: RW Cox
++ It is best to use to3d via the Dimon program.
++ Counting images: total=2040 2D slices
++ DICOM WARNING: file 004_000025_000001_1. has Rescale tags
setenv AFNI_DICOM_RESCALE YES to enforce them
++ Data detected to be oblique
++ Each 2D slice is 94 X 118 pixels
++ Voxel dimensions: 2.1277 X 2.1277 X 2.5000 mm
++ Image data type = short
++ Reading images: .++ DICOM WARNING: file 004_000025_000002_1. has Rescale tags
setenv AFNI_DICOM_RESCALE YES to enforce them
.++ DICOM WARNING: no more Rescale tags messages will be printed
*+ WARNING: Bad DICOM header - assuming oblique scaling direction!
++ Command line TR=1.07s ; Images TR=1.07s
++ Checking for time series outliers

Significant outliers detected in these sub-bricks:
0 1 33
You should inspect the dataset for possible corruption.
[Outliers are defined as in program 3dToutcount. ]
[Outliers early in an EPI time series may be due to ]
[the longitudinal magnetization equilibration effect.]
[Other causes are subject movement, scanner problems,]
[or anything that makes a time series look irregular.]
[ 3dToutcount -save outnam dataset | 1dplot -stdin ]
[can be used to make a dataset 'outnam' that marks ]
[outlier voxels; see 3dToutcount -help for details. ]

++ 3D dataset written to disk

I get a warning for a bad Dicom header, although the dimensions and TR are correct.

Regarding converting first to Nifti with dcm2niix_afni, it does work but not with CMRR. I join pictures from vendor and CMRR sequence showing the phantom. The pictures from the CMRR sequence are non-sense. Maybe they are organized in adifferent way?
I get 2 to 3 TR delays (export from scanner + conversion to NIFTI + VNC session from linux station to my laptop).

I did more troubleshooting -- I think the issue is that each volume is being interpreted in 2D rather than 3D. You can see this in the output data below and on the coronal and saggittal slices of the output image (which are a single band of 1 voxel depth.

I'm assuming this is a DICOM header issue, but I am not aware of any way to change it-- FYI I double checked and we are currently using XA60 on the scanner. I am not sure why specifying the -gert_nz is not fixing this issue by clarifying that there are 76 slices. However, I have tried every option in the Dimon documentation and am not seeing any change in behavior. (Changing the "Update" option in the RT plugin did fix the lag issue.)

Is there any way to tell Dimon the "illegal header info" manually? (i.e., specifying the x-dimen and y-dimen and fov variables?)

Below I've included the output from running it the Dimon command you mentioned, with the debug turned up to 3. I have also taken a screenshot of the output in AFNI itself so you can have a better sense of the issue (you'll notice there are no Saggital/Coronal images available since there is no data in that dimension).

Thank you for your continued help or any other insight you might have

Output on afni -rt terminal
RT: waiting for data stream to become good.
RT: receiving image metadata=32768 bytes
RT: illegal header info=�
RT: image header info was incomplete!
==> check image source program and README.realtime
RT: HEADER DATA ERROR - Slice thickness not positive
RT: HEADER DATA ERROR - x-FOV not positive
RT: HEADER DATA ERROR - y-FOV not positive
RT: HEADER DATA ERROR - Image x-dimen not > 1
RT: HEADER DATA ERROR - Image y-dimen not > 1
RT: HEADER DATA ERROR - Slice count (z-dimen) not >= 1
RT: HEADER DATA ERROR - x-orientation illegal
RT: HEADER DATA ERROR - y-orientation illegal
RT: HEADER DATA ERROR - z-orientation illegal
RT: HEADER DATA ERROR - Inconsistent xyz-orientations
RT: starting to listen for control stream.

Dimon terminal
Dimon -infile_pre 001_000030 -gert_nz 76 -assume_dicom_mosaic -use_obl_origin -gert_create_dataset -rt -debug 3

-- image file type considered as 'DICOM'
end init_options : opts_t struct :
start_file = (NULL)
start_dir = (NULL)
dicom_glob = 001_000030*
infile_list = (NULL)
sp = (NULL)
gert_outdir = (NULL)
file_type = (NULL)
argc = 11
tr, ep = 0, 0.01
nt, num_slices = 0, 0
max_images = 3000
max_quiet_trs = 0
nice, pause = 0, 0
sleep_frac = 1.1
sleep_init = 0
sleep_vol = 0
debug = 3
quit, no_wait = 1, 1
assume_dicom_mosaic= 1
use_last_elem = 0
use_slice_loc = 0
use_obl_origin = 1
ushort2float = 0
show_sorted_list = 0
gert_reco = 1
gert_filename = (NULL)
gert_prefix = (NULL)
chan_digits = 3
chan_prefix = (NULL)
gert_nz = 76
gert_format = 0
gert_exec = 1
gert_quiterr = 0
dicom_org = 0
sort_num_suff = 0
sort_acq_time = 0
order_as_zt = 0
read_all = 1
rev_org_dir = 0
rev_sort_dir = 0
save_errors = 0
flist_file = (NULL)
flist_details = (NULL)
sort_method = (NULL)
(rt, swap, rev_bo) = (1, 0, 0)
num_chan = 0
host = (NULL)
drive_list(u,a,p) = 0, 0, (nil)
wait_list (u,a,p) = 0, 0, (nil)
rt_list (u,a,p) = 0, 0, (nil)
end init_options : param_t struct :
ftype = 4
glob_dir = 001_000030*
fnames_done = 0
nfim = 0
nfalloc = 0
fim_update = 0
fim_skip = 0
fim_start = 0
max2read = -1

Dimon version 4.34 (September 5, 2024) running, use to quit...

ART: starting I/O to afni
ART: Opening control channel tcp:localhost:7961 to AFNI.
ART: Control channel connected to AFNI. Entering AFNI_OPEN_DATA_MODE.
ART: Sending control information to AFNI:
ART: Opening data channel tcp:localhost:7960 to AFNI.
Can't connect? tcp_connect[connect]: Connection refused
ART: comm link to afni established at
-- scanning for first volume
-- sorted fnames: from 0 to 30
-- appended 30 fnames to fim_o
-- not a Siemens Mosaic
-- used process_siemens_mosaic...
++ Data detected to be oblique
-- is_oblique = 1, im_is_volume = 0
** CID: have non-mosaic 001_000030_000001_1. with 76 images
-- not a Siemens Mosaic
-- used process_siemens_mosaic...
*+ WARNING: Bad DICOM header - assuming oblique scaling direction!
post mri_read_dicom_get_obliquity -- oblique info = 2
1.5914 0.1650 -0.0184 -111.7550
-0.1660 1.5856 -0.1353 -79.3235
0.0042 0.1365 1.5942 -64.4097
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
** CID: have non-mosaic 001_000030_000002_1. with 76 images
no more warnings will be printed...
-- RNI: read 30 new images (nerrs = 0)
-- fim_o: sorting image list via method UNSPECIFIED
(30 images from 0 to 29)
-- read_image_files: 30 images, start = 0, proc = 30, tot = 30
-- VS state 0, bound 30, prev -1, first 0, pf -1
+d found single slice volume
-- data is oblique
-- volume search returns 1

-- first volume found (1 slices)
+d first volume : vol_t struct at :
nim = 1
fs_1 = 0
first_file = 001_000030_000001_1.
last_file = 001_000030_000001_1.
(z_first, z_last) = (-64.4097, -64.4097)
z_delta, image_dz = (1, 1.6)
oblique = 1
(seq_num, run) = (-1, 30)
+d first volume : ge_header_info at :
good = 1
(nx,ny) = (130,130)
uv17 = 30
index = 1
im_index = -1
atime = 0.000000
slice_loc = 0.000000
(dx,dy,dz) = (1.6,1.6,1.6)
zoff = -64.4097
(tr,te) = (1,0)
orients = RLAPIS
+d first volume : ge_extras :
bpp = 2
cflag = 0
hdroff = -1
skip = -1
swap = 0
kk = 0
ge_echo_time = -1
ge_echo_num = 1
ge_me_index = -1
ge_nim_acq = -1
sop_iuid_maj = 237004
sop_iuid_min = -1
xorg = -111.755
yorg = -79.3235
(xyz0,xyz1,xyz2) = (0,0,0)
(xyz3,xyz4,xyz5) = (0,0,0)
(xyz6,xyz7,xyz8) = (0,0,0)
+d first volume : mosaic_info :
im_is_volume = 0
nslices = 0
mos_nx, ny = 0, 0
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
-- system order is LSB_FIRST, image order is LSB_FIRST
ART: dataset control info (718 bytes) to afni:
TR 1.000000
XYFOV 208.000000 208.000000 1.600000
XYMATRIX 130 130 1
DATUM short
XYZFIRST 111.754997R 79.323502A 64.409698I
OBLIQUE_XFORM 1.591362 0.165013 -0.018357 -111.754997 -0.165976 1.585603 -0.135331 -79.323502 0.004235 0.136505 1.594161 -64.409698 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
NOTE created remotely via real-time afni
starting with file : '001_000030_000001_1.'
creation command : Dimon -infile_pre 001_000030 -gert_nz 76 -assume_dicom_mosaic -use_obl_origin -gert_create_dataset -rt -debug 3
ART: control info sent OK, rv = 719
ART: sent images from volume (30:1) to host localhost
-d first vol - new params : param_t struct :
ftype = 4
glob_dir = 001_000030*
fnames_done = 0
nfim = 30
nfalloc = 50
fim_update = 1
fim_skip = 0
fim_start = 1
max2read = -1
-d ftype: DICOM (4)
-- first vol ART_comm struct :
(state, mode) = (3, 5)
(use_tcp, swap) = (1, 0)
byte_order = 1
is_oblique = 1
zorder = (NULL)
host = localhost
ioc_name = tcp:localhost:7960
1.5914 0.1650 -0.0184 -111.7550
-0.1660 1.5856 -0.1353 -79.3235
0.0042 0.1365 1.5942 -64.4097
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
-d computed nap_time is 1100 ms (TR = 1.00)
-- scanning for additional volumes...
-- run 30: 1 ++ nap time = 1100, tr_naps = 1 (max quiet time 2.200s)

-- svs: init alloc - vol 1, run 30, file 001_000030_000001_1.

-- svs: realloc (50 entries) - vol 1, run 30, file 001_000030_000001_1.

-- svs: run 30, seq_num 1
++ volume match: have volume from index 1 to 1
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 2
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:2) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 2 to 2
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 3
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:3) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 3 to 3
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 4
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:4) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 4 to 4
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 5
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:5) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 5 to 5
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 6
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:6) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 6 to 6
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 7
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:7) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 7 to 7
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 8
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:8) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 8 to 8
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 9
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:9) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 9 to 9
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 10
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:10) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 10 to 10
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 11
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:11) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 11 to 11
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 12
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:12) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 12 to 12
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 13
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:13) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 13 to 13
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 14
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:14) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 14 to 14
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 15
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:15) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 15 to 15
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 16
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:16) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 16 to 16
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 17
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:17) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 17 to 17
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 18
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:18) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 18 to 18
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 19
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:19) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 19 to 19
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 20
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:20) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 20 to 20
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 21
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:21) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 21 to 21
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 22
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:22) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 22 to 22
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 23
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:23) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 23 to 23
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 24
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:24) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 24 to 24
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 25
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:25) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 25 to 25
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 26
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:26) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 26 to 26
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 27
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:27) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 27 to 27
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 28
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:28) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 28 to 28
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 29
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:29) to host localhost
++ volume match: have volume from index 29 to 29
-- vol match returns 1
-- svs: run 30, seq_num 30
completing orients from 'RLAPIS' to 'RLAPIS'
ART: sent images from volume (30:30) to host localhost
-- vol match returns 0
-- sorted fnames: from 30 to 30
-- RNI: read 0 new images (nerrs = 0)
-- fim_o: no sorting to do
-- read_image_files: 0 images, start = 30, proc = 0, tot = 30
ART: xim alloc: -1 -> 2568800 bytes
ART: ** failed to transmit EOR to afni @ localhost
- closing afni connection
- iochan error: iochan_goodcheck: no longer alive
ART: exit: closing afni control channel
++ writing dimon file list to
++ oblique data: applying to3d -oblique_origin
set OutlierCheck =
set OutPrefix = OutBrick
to3d -assume_dicom_mosaic -prefix OutBrick_run_030 -time:zt 76 30 1.0sec alt+z -oblique_origin -@
++ to3d: AFNI version=AFNI_24.3.06 (Oct 31 2024) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: RW Cox
++ It is best to use to3d via the Dimon program.
++ DICOM WARNING: file 001_000030_000001_1. has Rescale tags
setenv AFNI_DICOM_RESCALE YES to enforce them
++ Data detected to be oblique
++ DICOM WARNING: file 001_000030_000002_1. has Rescale tags
setenv AFNI_DICOM_RESCALE YES to enforce them
++ DICOM WARNING: no more Rescale tags messages will be printed
*+ WARNING: Bad DICOM header - assuming oblique scaling direction!
*+ WARNING: *** ILLEGAL INPUTS (cannot save) ***

++ Counting images: total=2280 2D slices++ Each 2D slice is 130 X 130 pixels
++ Voxel dimensions: 1.6000 X 1.6000 X 1.6000 mm
++ Image data type = short
++ Reading images: ..........................................
++ Command line TR=1s ; Images TR=1s
++ Making widgets.....

final run statistics:
volume info :
slices : 1
z_first : -64.41
z_last : -64.41
z_delta : 1.6
oblique : yes
mos_nslices : 0

run #  30 : volumes =  30, first file (#0) = 001_000030_000001_1.

++ Counting images: total=2280 2D slices
++ Each 2D slice is 130 X 130 pixels
++ Voxel dimensions: 1.6000 X 1.6000 X 1.6000 mm
++ Image data type = short
++ Reading images: ..........................................
++ Command line TR=1s ; Images TR=1s
++ Making widgets.....

final run statistics:
volume info :
slices : 1
z_first : -64.41
z_last : -64.41
z_delta : 1.6
oblique : yes
mos_nslices : 0

run # 30 : volumes = 30, first file (#0) = 001_000030_000001_1.