AFNI version info (afni -ver
): Precompiled binary linux_openmp_64: May 8 2023 (Version AFNI_23.1.05 'Publius Helvius Pertinax')
Hello Afni gurus!
I have affine transformations estimated with 3dAllineate that I apply with 3dNwarpApply as follows:
3dNwarpApply -overwrite \
-source good.nii.gz \
-nwarp 'IDENT(good.nii.gz) good.aff12.1D' \
-prefix preproc_good.nii.gz
This works fine for 3/4 runs, but somehow fails in the 4th run as follows:
3dNwarpApply -overwrite \
-source bad.nii.gz \
-nwarp 'IDENT(bad.nii.gz) bad.aff12.1D' \
-prefix preproc_bad.nii.gz
++ 3dNwarpApply: AFNI version=AFNI_23.1.05 (May 8 2023) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: Zhark the Warped
++ opened source dataset 'bad.nii.gz'
++ Processing -nwarp
++ Warping:.** ERROR (nifti_image_read): failed to find header file for './zyxt'
** ERROR: IW3D_from_nwarp_catlist: this message should never appear!!
** ERROR: Can't acquire/compute nwarp dataset #1 ?!?
** FATAL ERROR: Warping failed for some reason :-(((
** Program compile date = May 8 2023
The problem seems to lie in bad.aff12.1D as applying good.aff12.1D to bad.nii.gz--or replacing to content of bad.aff12.1D with that of good.aff12.1D--runs fine.
Not sure how I can attach those files here, but here is a download link.
bad.aff12.1D looks fine to me... Any idea what is going on?
Note that the -1Dmatrix_apply route with 3dAllineate works, but I will need to incorporate some non-linear warps.
Thanks a lot for your attention and
Have a great day!