AFNI version info (afni -ver
Precompiled binary linux_ubuntu_16_64: Aug 9 2023 (Version AFNI_23.2.04 'Marcus Didius Severus Julianus')
Hi AFNI team,
I have a question. I'm doing voxel wise resting state seed based analysis. I have used 3dtcorr1D to generate zmaps for amygdala to the rest of the brain (voxel wise) connectivity for each subject. I want to do the following:
- Using 3dMVM, correlate if amygdala connectivity to the brain is significantly correlated with anxiety (STAI score range 20 to 80).
- Control for age (continuous mean centered).
The code that I want to append to is the following:
3dMVM -prefix output_MVM_results \
-jobs 20 \
-bsVars "STAI+Age" \
-qVars "STAI,Age" \
-mask group_mask_80_per_cov+tlrc \
-dataTable \
Subj STAI Age InputFile \
RDoC006 4.465909091 -0.966315817 'sub-DCNLRDOC006.final_75_left_corr+tlrc' \
RDoC013 5.465909091 -0.166846977 'sub-DCNLRDOC013.final_75_left_corr+tlrc' \
RDoC017 14.46590909 -1.563293629 'sub-DCNLRDOC017.final_75_left_corr+tlrc' \
RDoC019 7.465909091 0.829751173 'sub-DCNLRDOC019.final_75_left_corr+tlrc' \
RDoC022 18.46590909 2.108239663 'sub-DCNLRDOC022.final_75_left_corr+tlrc' \
RDoC028 -11.53409091 -0.268149537 'sub-DCNLRDOC028.final_75_left_corr+tlrc' \
RDoC042 -2.534090909 0.397047793 'sub-DCNLRDOC042.final_75_left_corr+tlrc' \
RDoC045 8.465909091 -0.834896287 'sub-DCNLRDOC045.final_75_left_corr+tlrc' \
RDoC047 -9.534090909 -0.539316407 'sub-DCNLRDOC047.final_75_left_corr+tlrc' \
I'm not sure what to add for the -num_glt and -gltLabel options.
Given that this is a resting state analysis, how can I complete model where I want to see if a variable of interest (STAI) is related to the zmaps of amygdala-brain connectivity while controlling for age.
Thank you,