Dear AFNI experts,
I wanted to get a bit of information regarding the output of 3dMVM with the following command:
3dMVM -prefix stats.nii -jobs 16 -mask mask.nii \
-bsVars Group+Gender+Age \
-qVars Age \
-num_glt 6 \
-gltLabel 1 CONvsNULL -gltCode 1 'Group : 1*CON ' \
-gltLabel 2 Grp1vsNULL -gltCode 2 'Group : 1*Grp1 ' \
-gltLabel 3 Grp2vsNULL -gltCode 3 'Group : 1*Grp2 ' \
-gltLabel 4 CONvsGrp1 -gltCode 4 'Group : 1*CON -1*Grp1' \
-gltLabel 5 CONvsGrp2 -gltCode 5 'Group : 1*CON -1*Grp2' \
-gltLabel 6 Grp1vsGrp2 -gltCode 6 'Group : 1*Grp1 -1*Grp2' \
-dataTable \
The outputs in stats.nii are Intercept F, Group F, Gender F, Age F, CONvsNULL, CONvsNULL t, Grp1vsNULL, Grp1vsNULL t, Grp2vsNULL, Grp2vsNULL t, CONvsGrp1, CONvsGrp1 t, CONvsGrp2, CONvsGrp2 t, Grp1vsGrp2, Grp1vsGrp2 t
For CONvsGrp1, CONvsGrp2, and Grp1vsGrp2 are the outputs beta values or just the group mean difference?