3dMVM - model test failure

AFNI version info (afni -ver): AFNI_24.2.07

Hi there,

I am trying to run a group-level analysis using 3dMVM but have been running into a model test failure issue and can't figure out how to resolve it.

My data table loads correctly, R packages afex and phia have been installed and I also checked for inconsistent variables names but I haven't had any success with resolving the issue. Would you be able to advise?

I have two main between subject variables (group - 2 levels and intervention - 2 levels), and one within subject variable (time - 2 levels).

My script is as follows and an example of my datatable is attached below:

3dMVM -prefix results_3dmvm
-mask mask+tlrc \
 -bsVars "group*intervention+gender+age" \
-wsVars "time" \
-qVars "age" \
-num_glt 3 \
-gltLabel 1 post_A_vs_S -gltCode 1 'intervention : 1*A -1*S time : 1*post' \ 
-gltLabel 2 group_by_intervention -gltCode 2 'group : 1*Control -1*DIS intervention : 1*A -1*S'
-gltLabel 3 group_by_int_time -gltCode 3 'group : 1*Control -1*DIS intervention : 1*A -1*S time : 1*pre -1*post' 
-dataTable @datatable.txt

Thank you!

When you run the 3dMVM script, the data summary and contingency tables should appear in the terminal. Could you share the data summary and the contingency tables for the following pairs: group vs intervention, group vs gender, and gender vs intervention?

Gang Chen

Hi Gang, thank you for your response. Below are the data summary and contingency tables.

Of note, the variable names are slightly different in the script I shared above but are correctly coded when I run the actual script (e.g. post = test, DIS = MDD)

I’ve just sent you an email to discuss the issue.

Gang Chen