AFNI version info (afni -ver
): AFNI_24.2.07
Hi there,
I am trying to run a group-level analysis using 3dMVM but have been running into a model test failure issue and can't figure out how to resolve it.
My data table loads correctly, R packages afex and phia have been installed and I also checked for inconsistent variables names but I haven't had any success with resolving the issue. Would you be able to advise?
I have two main between subject variables (group - 2 levels and intervention - 2 levels), and one within subject variable (time - 2 levels).
My script is as follows and an example of my datatable is attached below:
3dMVM -prefix results_3dmvm
-mask mask+tlrc \
-bsVars "group*intervention+gender+age" \
-wsVars "time" \
-qVars "age" \
-num_glt 3 \
-gltLabel 1 post_A_vs_S -gltCode 1 'intervention : 1*A -1*S time : 1*post' \
-gltLabel 2 group_by_intervention -gltCode 2 'group : 1*Control -1*DIS intervention : 1*A -1*S'
-gltLabel 3 group_by_int_time -gltCode 3 'group : 1*Control -1*DIS intervention : 1*A -1*S time : 1*pre -1*post'
-dataTable @datatable.txt
Thank you!