3dMVM Error in is.null(ss)


I've seen a reference to this issue, but I couldn't quite tell what the solution was. Here is the full text of my error:

Error in is.null(ss) || !length(ss) || ss == "" :
'length = 1565' in coercion to 'logical(1)'
Calls: read.MVM.opts.batch -> parse.AFNI.args -> is.num.string
Execution halted

Here is the first part of my script.

3dMVM -prefix EET_3dMVM_NEGvNEUT
-mask killmask85+tlrc
-bsVars 'Group'
-wsVars 'Session*Valence'
-jobs 4
Subj Group Session Valence InputFile
M065788 NC One Neg stats_eet1.sub-M065788_1+tlrc.'[NegPicOnset#0_Coef]'
M066396 NC One Neg stats_eet1.sub-M066396_1+tlrc.'[NegPicOnset#0_Coef]' \

Note: there are back-slashes after every line, which didn't show up in the posted message.

I can attach the whole script, if you tell me how.

Thanks so much for your help.

Jim Waltz

Which version of AFNI are you currently using? You can check with:

afni -ver

Consider updating AFNI to the latest version to see if that resolves the error.

Gang Chen

When my guy updated our versions of AFNI and R, that solved the problem.


Jim Waltz