I've seen a reference to this issue, but I couldn't quite tell what the solution was. Here is the full text of my error:
Error in is.null(ss) || !length(ss) || ss == "" :
'length = 1565' in coercion to 'logical(1)'
Calls: read.MVM.opts.batch -> parse.AFNI.args -> is.num.string
Execution halted
Here is the first part of my script.
3dMVM -prefix EET_3dMVM_NEGvNEUT
-mask killmask85+tlrc
-bsVars 'Group'
-wsVars 'Session*Valence'
-jobs 4
Subj Group Session Valence InputFile
M065788 NC One Neg stats_eet1.sub-M065788_1+tlrc.'[NegPicOnset#0_Coef]'
M066396 NC One Neg stats_eet1.sub-M066396_1+tlrc.'[NegPicOnset#0_Coef]' \
Note: there are back-slashes after every line, which didn't show up in the posted message.
I can attach the whole script, if you tell me how.
Thanks so much for your help.
Jim Waltz