3dLMEr result and 3dClustSim

Dear AFNI experts,

I am using 3dLMEr to analyze my data at the group level as well as FWE correction.

The experiment is a within-subjects design with two factors (type: two levels -- ME, MI; task: three levels -- short, medium, long).

I want to make sure that the 3dLMEr script is correct? Alhough there are no errors in the terminal after running.The code is as follows:

AFNI version info (afni -ver): 23.1.00

3dLMEr -prefix group_result/LMEr -jobs 4 \
-mask mask \
-model  'type*task+(1|Subj)+(1|Subj:type)+(1|Subj:task)' \
-SS_type 3 \
-gltCode ME                    'type : 1*ME'                    \
-gltCode MI                    'type : 1*MI'                     \
-gltCode short                 'task : 1*short'                 \
-gltCode middle                'task : 1*middle'               \
-gltCode long                  'task : 1*long'                  \
-gltCode ME-MI                 'type : 1*ME -1*MI'              \
-gltCode short-middle          'task : 1*short -1*middle'     \
-gltCode short-long            'task : 1*short -1*long'      \
-gltCode middle-long           'task : 1*middle -1*long'      \
-glfCode type_task             'type : 1*ME -1*MI task : 1*short -1*middle & 1*short -1*long' \
-glfCode ME_task               'type : 1*ME task : 1*short -1*middle & 1*short -1*long' \
-glfCode MI_task               'type : 1*MI task : 1*short -1*middle & 1*short -1*long' \
-glfCode type_short            'type : 1*ME -1*MI task : 1*short' \
-glfCode type_middle           'type : 1*ME -1*MI task : 1*middle' \
-glfCode type_long             'type : 1*ME -1*MI task : 1*long' \
-dataTable @dataTable.txt

Using 3dinfo -verb to view the LMEr+tlrc file, there are 27 sub-bricks in total:
sub-brick #21 for the interaction between the type and task;
sub-brick #22/23 for the main effect of task at the ME/MI type;
sub-brick #24/25/26 for the main effect of type at the short/middle/long task;
What do the first three sub-bricks mean?

-- At sub-brick #0 'type Chi-sq' datum type is float:            0 to       34.8696
     statcode = fict;  statpar = 2
-- At sub-brick #1 'task Chi-sq' datum type is float:            0 to       36.1903
     statcode = fict;  statpar = 2
-- At sub-brick #2 'type:task Chi-sq' datum type is float:            0 to       22.8851
     statcode = fict;  statpar = 2
-- At sub-brick #3 'ME' datum type is float:     -3.69596 to       4.00132
-- At sub-brick #4 'ME Z' datum type is float:     -25.1851 to       31.6987
     statcode = fizt
-- At sub-brick #19 'middle-long' datum type is float:     -2.84857 to       1.23572
-- At sub-brick #20 'middle-long Z' datum type is float:     -9.37283 to       3.76961
     statcode = fizt
-- At sub-brick #21 'type_task Chi-sq' datum type is float:            0 to       131.786
-- At sub-brick #22 'ME_task Chi-sq' datum type is float:            0 to       101.148
-- At sub-brick #23 'MI_task Chi-sq' datum type is float:            0 to       114.847
-- At sub-brick #24 'type_short Chi-sq' datum type is float:            0 to        52.009
-- At sub-brick #25 'type_middle Chi-sq' datum type is float:            0 to       72.9838
-- At sub-brick #26 'type_long Chi-sq' datum type is float:            0 to        72.203

This is my first time using 3dLMEr and I don't know how to view the Chi-qs results.For Z-score, set the overlay sub-brick(e.g. sub-brick #3 'ME') and the threshold sub-brick(e.g. sub-brick #4 'ME Z'), then check the surviving voxel size by adjusting the p-value.

How to view the Chi-qs results? Set the overlay sub-brick same with the threshold sub-brick(e.g. sub-brick #0 'type Chi-sq')? I tried to look at the sub-brick #0 and the sub-brick #21. I've found that the sub-brick #0 can set a p-value, but the sub-brick #21 shows a p-value of [N/A].Why is this happening?


Please advise on FWE correction.
For general linear regression at the individual level, an errts file was generated for each participant. Average individual level errts file and perform 3dFWHMx -mask mask -input errts.mean_all_subj_REML+tlrc -acf. Is it right to do so? I see that 3dLMEr has a -resid option, can I use this residual to calculate directly? Which way is more reasonable?

I see that Gang mentioned a soft cluster threshold way, it doesn't make adjustments to the results?Alternatively, you may simply adopt a soft cluster threshold (e.g., 20 voxels at the p-value of 0.01), and use a highlight-but-not-hide approach as suggested in this recent paper.


Hi Yang,

-glfCode type_short            'type : 1*ME -1*MI task : 1*short' \
-glfCode type_middle           'type : 1*ME -1*MI task : 1*middle' \
-glfCode type_long             'type : 1*ME -1*MI task : 1*long' \

To obtain the directionality of the comparisons, it would be more informative to implement these three lines using -gltCode instead of -glfCode.

What do the first three sub-bricks mean?

As revealed by their labels, the first three sub-bricks are the statistics for the two main effects and their interaction.

I've found that the sub-brick #0 can set a p-value, but the sub-brick #21 shows a p-value of [N/A].Why is this happening?

For some reason, the degrees of freedom for sub-bricks #21-26 were not assigned in your output. Update your AFNI, and see if the issue would be resolved.

I see that Gang mentioned a soft cluster threshold way, it doesn't make adjustments to the results?Alternatively, you may simply adopt a soft cluster threshold (e.g., 20 voxels at the p-value of 0.01), and use a highlight-but-not-hide approach as suggested in this recent paper.

My perspective may deviate substantially from the mainstream. In line with George Box's famous assertion, I contend that all models are approximations, but it is crucial to identify where a model deviates from accuracy. The traditional mass univariate modeling approach (as seen in, for instance, 3dLMEr) entirely overlooks the hierarchical structure of the brain, leading to an overly conservative family-wise error (FWE) rate through multiple testing adjustment. Put simply, blindly accepting the FWE adjustment at face value is unwarranted.

Gang Chen

Hi Gang,

I updated the ANFI version to 23.3.14 and reran the script. I'm being told that the R version is too low. Then I updated the R version to 4.3.2. Then I run the script again, it gives the following error. When I remove the glfCode part, it works fine. A strange error.

Error in if (is.na(lop$glfList[[n]])) glfRes[[n]] <- tryCatch(testFactors(fm,  : 
  the condition has length > 1



Thanks for reporting the problem! I've just identified a bug in 3dLMEr causing the issue you encountered. The fix will be included in the upcoming official AFNI release. Meanwhile, replace your current 3dLMEr in the AFNI binary directory with this updated file. Then, run your script again and let us know if this resolves the problem.

Gang Chen

Hi Gang,

Thank you for replying so quickly! I ran successfully after replacing the 3dLMEr file without any errors!

Thanks again,