3dLME or 3dLMEr or 3dLME2? and multiple comparisons

AFNI version info (afni -ver):

Precompiled binary linux_ubuntu_16_64: Sep 6 2024 (Version AFNI_24.2.05 'Macrinus')


It has been a few years since running 3dLME and noticed that there exists a 3dLMEr package and now a 3dLME2. Which one should we use and is there a difference between 3dLMEr and 3dLME2.

Related to the 3dLMEx question, is the how to run a multipple comparisons test with it. Noticed in the 3dClustSim recommendations that the 3dttest++ is the most accurate in controlling for false positive rate. However, how could we use 3dttest++ when we have a few values missing with our 3dLMEx setup?

If we were to use the 'Newer' acceptable method of 3dFHWMx afc values, would using the -resid option 3dLMEx suffice in generating the input needed for 3dFWHMx? Our 1stlevel analysis files were run in SPM.



Hi Mike,

3dLMEr is generally preferred for cases involving within-individual variables due to its greater flexibility compared to 3dLME, as detailed in this blog post. Meanwhile, 3dLME2 is available for more specialized cases where detailed lower-level structures are required, though such situations are uncommon.

Regarding multiple testing, this issue remains debated. You can find my perspective here.

Gang Chen

Thanks,Gang. Interesting perspective and helpful. Struggling with this phenomenon recently.
