AFNI version info (afni -ver
Precompiled binary linux_ubuntu_16_64: Sep 6 2024 (Version AFNI_24.2.05 'Macrinus')
It has been a few years since running 3dLME and noticed that there exists a 3dLMEr package and now a 3dLME2. Which one should we use and is there a difference between 3dLMEr and 3dLME2.
Related to the 3dLMEx question, is the how to run a multipple comparisons test with it. Noticed in the 3dClustSim recommendations that the 3dttest++ is the most accurate in controlling for false positive rate. However, how could we use 3dttest++ when we have a few values missing with our 3dLMEx setup?
If we were to use the 'Newer' acceptable method of 3dFHWMx afc values, would using the -resid option 3dLMEx suffice in generating the input needed for 3dFWHMx? Our 1stlevel analysis files were run in SPM.