3dLME dimensions error

I have been working on this 3dLME for a while now and continue to get the same error:

e[7m** ERROR:e[0m Dset /data/project/goodmanlab/TBI_FS/TBI_FS_Scripts/MRI_processed_data/008NES1001_V1/afni/008NES1001_V1_decon_math_mni_blur4_PCH+tlrc[hard-easy_GLT#0_Coef] could not be loaded
e[7m** ERROR:e[0m Dset /data/project/goodmanlab/TBI_FS/TBI_FS_Scripts/MRI_processed_data/008NES1001_V1/afni/008NES1001_V1_decon_math_mni_blur4_PCH+tlrc[hard-easy_GLT#0_Coef] could not be loaded
e[7m** ERROR:e[0m Dset /data/project/goodmanlab/TBI_FS/TBI_FS_Scripts/MRI_processed_data/008NES1017_V1/afni/008NES1017_V1_decon_math_mni_blur4_PCH+tlrc[hard-easy_GLT#0_Coef] could not be loaded
e[7m** ERROR:e[0m Dset /data/project/goodmanlab/TBI_FS/TBI_FS_Scripts/MRI_processed_data/008NES1020_V1/afni/008NES1020_V1_decon_math_mni_blur4_PCH+tlrc[hard-easy_GLT#0_Coef] could not be loaded

** Error:
At least one of the input files has different dimensions:
either (1) numbers of voxels along X, Y, Z axes are different across files;
or (2) some input files have more than one value per voxel.
Run "3dinfo -header_line -prefix -same_grid -n4 *.HEAD" in the directory where
the files are stored, and pinpoint out which file(s) is the trouble maker.
Replace *.HEAD with *.nii or something similar for other file formats.

I saw in previous message board posts to use 3dinfo -n4 to determine if all the files were the same dimensions, to which this is the output for every file:


Additionally, I resampled the mask using 3dresample to make sure the mask was the same dimensions as the data. I have attached the 3dLME script below for reference:

Currently, I am running participants in small groups to see if I can find the bad file, but any help would be greatly appreciated!



Check your AFNI version by running the command afni -ver. If it’s not up-to-date, I recommend updating it. The latest programs might offer more informative hints about the error you’re encountering.

In addition, consider using 3dLMEr instead of 3dLME, as discussed in this blog post.

Gang Chen