The spaces disappeared in your initial post because they were not put between backticks, to put them into "preformatted text"; highlighting and clicking the "</>" button at the top of the text field would do the same. Please see here:
When putting what you posted in backticks, this is what it looks like:
- Initial post, first code block:
3dISC -prefix ISC2a -jobs 12
-mask myMask+tlrc \
-model 'grp+(1|Subj1)+(1|Subj2)' \
-gltCode ave '1 0 -0.5' \
-gltCode G11 '1 1 0' \
-gltCode G12 '1 0 1' \
-gltCode G22 '1 -1 -1' \
-gltCode G11vG22 '0 2 1' \
-gltCode G11vG12 '0 1 -2' \
-gltCode G12vG22 '0 1 2' \
-gltCode ave-G12 '0 0 -1.5' \
-dataTable @data.txt \
- Initial post, second code block:
Subj1 Subj2 grp InputFile \
s01 s02 G11 s01_02+tlrc \
s01 s03 G11 s01_03+tlrc \
s04 s06 G22 s04_06+tlrc \
s05 s06 G22 s05_06+tlrc
I will send you an email, and you can send us the first and second text files to take a look. I don't think the number of spaces should matter when reading in a file, but seeing the file will help. Note that when you have a datatable file, you also should not need the backslash at the end of the line: \
. That "continuation of line character" is not necessary there.
Also, it might be helpful to update your AFNI. Recently, @discoraj added in nice functionality to be more specific about where non-rectangularity occurs in a datatable (like, reporting the line number). It will also give some helpful comments on datatable info, too.