Hi, I just want to share my problem and the solution with people who could meet the same problem.
I am newcomer to 3dISC and tried to perform the LME of two groups.
firstly, I wrote "ISC.sh" as follow:
3dISC -prefix ISC2a -jobs 12
-mask myMask+tlrc
-model 'grp+(1|Subj1)+(1|Subj2)'
-gltCode ave '1 0 -0.5'
-gltCode G11 '1 1 0'
-gltCode G12 '1 0 1'
-gltCode G22 '1 -1 -1'
-gltCode G11vG22 '0 2 1'
-gltCode G11vG12 '0 1 -2'
-gltCode G12vG22 '0 1 2'
-gltCode ave-G12 '0 0 -1.5'
-dataTable @data.txt \
in the "data.txt", I arranged my data as follow:
Subj1 Subj2 grp InputFile
s01 s02 G11 s01_02+tlrc
s01 s03 G11 s01_03+tlrc
s04 s06 G22 s04_06+tlrc
s05 s06 G22 s05_06+tlrc
When I run the ISC.sh in Linux terminal, error was reported:
3dISC -prefix ISC2a
Error in if (len%%wd != 0) errex.AFNI(paste("The content under -dataTable is not rectangular !", :
参数长度为零(the parameter length is zero)
Calls: process.ISC.opts
停止执行(stop execution)
The next day I read the paper “Inter-subject correlation during long narratives reveals widespread neural correlates of reading ability”, and Dr. Jangraw shared his code on Github that inspired me : this error occurred probably because I didn't align the variables.
Later, I just unified the spacing (number of spaces) between variables in each row in data.txt, then the 3dISC execution was smoothly.