surfclust questions

Hi, Rujing-

Re. Q1:
The following is a working example produced by the suma GUI when hitting the “clst” button to clusterize. I basically just loaded a dset (./std.60.lh.thickness.niml.dset, which is the dset that is thresholded (here at 3.58) + clusterized (here with NN=1, from ‘-rmm -1’)), which is overlaid on the “underlay” data set (std.60.lh.smoothwm.gii):

SurfClust \
 -i      ./std.60.lh.smoothwm.gii \
 -input  ./std.60.lh.thickness.niml.dset 0 \
 -rmm    -1.000000 \
 -thresh_col 0 \
 -athresh 3.580000 \
 -amm2 50.000000 \
 -sort_area \

The rest of the options are explained in the help file.

In your program call, you did not put two arguments after “-input …”; see the helpfile here for that entry:

-input inData.dset dcol_index: The input dataset
                                  and the index of the
                                  datacolumn to use
                                  (index 0 for 1st column).
                                  Values of 0 indicate 
                                  inactive nodes.

I think that is the specific error you are getting, and why it is pointing to the “-input …” opt for help.

I also don’t think you can have both a “-spec …” and “-i …” surface file input; the helpfile seems to say one or the other:

Surface Input can be done with:
     -spec SpecFile: The surface spec file.
     -surf_A insurf: The input surface name.
    or with:
     -i insurf: With insurf being the full name of the surface.

Re. Q2: <<how to add more subjects’ data such as a group data? >>
What kind of group statistic do you want? You can run that group-stat program and get a stats *.niml.dset, and then use that as your “-input …” file, and threshold+clusterize that. For example, if you ran 3dtest++ on your data sets, then you could use the output from that.
