procpy crashes on mac

So apparently it was not working well all the way through also when I was writing to the local folder... for some reason after running 'tedana' the analysis didn't continue to generating the QC folder.
The procpy command I am using is the following (note that it was originally written for a previous version of afni): \
     -subj_id $subject.$experiment.$session.$scan \
     -out_dir ${output_path}/$subject.$experiment.$session.$scan.results \
     -script ${output_path}/proc.$subject.$experiment.$session.$scan \
     -blocks despike tshift align tlrc volreg mask combine scale regress \
     -radial_correlate_blocks tcat volreg                      \
     -blip_forward_dset $subject.$experiment.$session.AP+orig.HEAD -align_unifize_epi local \
     -blip_reverse_dset $subject.$experiment.$session.PA+orig.HEAD                     \
     -copy_anat anatSS.$subject.$experiment.$session.nii \
     -anat_has_skull no \
     -dsets_me_run $subject.$experiment.$session.${scan}*0?+orig.HEAD \
     -echo_times 13.2 34.72 56.24 \
     -reg_echo 1                                               \
     -tcat_remove_first_trs 4                                  \
     -tshift_interp -wsinc9                                    \
     -align_opts_aea -cost lpc+ZZ -check_flip            \
     -tlrc_base MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz               \
     -tlrc_NL_warp                                             \
     -tlrc_NL_warped_dsets anatQQ.$subject.$experiment.$session.nii anatQQ.$subject.$experiment.$session.aff12.1D anatQQ.$subject.$experiment.${session}_WARP.nii \
     -volreg_align_to MIN_OUTLIER                              \
     -volreg_align_e2a                                         \
     -volreg_tlrc_warp                                         \
     -mask_epi_anat yes                                        \
     -mask_apply anat \
     -combine_method m_tedana                                    \
     -html_review_style pythonic \

And this is the output of after the tedana is:

AFNI version              : AFNI_23.2.09
AFNI package              : macos_13_ARM_clang
TR                        : 2.01
TRs removed (per run)     : 4
multiband level           : 3
slice timing pattern      : irregular
num stim classes provided : 0
final anatomy dset        : anat_final.BR119.socCog.s2.faceloc+tlrc.HEAD
final stats dset          : NO_STATS
final errts dset          : errts.BR119.socCog.s2.faceloc.tproject+tlrc.HEAD
orig voxel counts         : 128	128	72
orig voxel resolution     : 1.601562	1.601562	1.600000
orig volume center        : 8.141930	-23.789909	1.802401
final voxel resolution    : 1.500000	1.500000	1.500000

motion limit              : 0.3
num TRs above mot limit   : 0
average motion (per TR)   : 0.0295948
max motion displacement   : 0.377231
average outlier frac (TR) : 0.0919145
flip guess                : NO_FLIP
num runs found            : 1
num TRs per run           : 173
TRs total                 : 173

degrees of freedom used   : 10

degrees of freedom left   : 163

final DF fraction         : 0.942197

rc: Subscript out of range.

Any advice on what might have gone wrong?

Thanks again!