Possible Bug: Default behavior in 3dclusterize vs. afni GUI

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your quick response!

The NN is the same, but the GUI seems to use -2sided even when I say no to Bisided. I've also double checked with the underlay and that doesn't seem to be the problem.

When voxel thresholding a p < .001 in the GUI the Chi-sq value is 13.816. But when using 3dClusterize and specifying p=0.001 the program covers this to a Chi-sq of 12.429216. Perhaps the issue is in the conversion?

From the GUI:

3dClusterize -nosum -1Dformat \
    -inset /Users/andrewlynn/Documents/Projects/HomeMath_RSA/groupanalyses/univariate/3dLMEr_output_Longit_Format_Quantity_Linear+tlrc.HEAD \
   -idat 5 \
   -ithr 5 \
   -NN 1 \
   -clust_nvox 35 \
   -2sided -1e+09 13.816

My command

3dClusterize -overwrite \
    -orient LPI \
    -inset 3dLMEr_output_Longit_Format_Quantity_Linear+tlrc.BRIK \
    -ithr 5 \
    -idat 5 \
    -mask /Users/andrewlynn/Documents/Projects/HomeMath_RSA/ref/mask/BN_Atlas_HaskinsPeds_NL_template_2.5_mask+tlrc.HEAD \
    -1sided RIGHT_TAIL p=0.001 \
    -NN 1 \
    -clust_nvox 35 \
    -pref_map 3dLMEr_output_Longit_Format_Quantity_Linear_clust_1sided_quantitybyage_map.nii.gz -pref_dat 3dLMEr_output_Longit_Format_Quantity_Linear_clust_1sided_quantitybyage_Chi-sq.nii.gz \
    > 3dLMEr_output_Longit_Format_Quantity_Linear_clust_1sided_quantitybyage_Chi-sq_report.txt