I think this is the terminal output of the script you are running, just reformatted for posting using backticks as described here for ease of reading code with monospacing (I had to delete some double-asterisks, and I hope that didn't change any code within it):
set ind_label = `sed "${li}q;d" temp_labels.txt`
sed 252q;d temp_labels.txt
set rgb = `sed "${li}q;d" roi256.1D`
sed 252q;d roi256.1D
echo 239 roi239 0.85 0.02 0.46 1
set ind_label = `sed "${li}q;d" temp_labels.txt`
sed 253q;d temp_labels.txt
set rgb = `sed "${li}q;d" roi256.1D`
sed 253q;d roi256.1D
echo 241 roi241 0.47 0.96 0.15 1
ConvertDset -overwrite -input 3dclusters_r2_is1_thr2100.niml.dset -dset_labels R -o temp_marked_clusters.1D
MakeColorMap -usercolutfile tempcmap.txt -suma_cmap tempcmap -overwrite
if ( 3dclusters_r2_is1_thr2100.nii == ) then
[1] 61449
sleep 1
afni -npb 0 -pif DriveAfniElectrodes -echo_edu -niml -yesplugouts -dset /Volumes/SeagateBackupPlusDrive/local_tal/NIH102/tal/zloc/ALICE/CT/ct_implant.nii 3dclusters_r2_is1_thr2100.nii
if -e surf_xyz.1D then
setenv AFNI_OUTPLUG surf_xyz.1D
setenv SUMA_OUTPLUG lastsurfout.txt
[2] 61456
DriveSuma -npb 0 -pif DriveAfniElectrodes -echo_edu -com surf_cont -view_object_cont y
suma -npb 0 -pif DriveAfniElectrodes -echo_edu -DSUMA_AllowDsetReplacement=YES -i 3dclusters_r2_is1_thr2100.gii -sv /Volumes/SeagateBackupPlusDrive/local_tal/NIH102/tal/zloc/ALICE/CT/ct_implant.nii
+++ Command Echo:
DriveSuma -npb 0 -pif DriveAfniElectrodes -com surf_cont -view_object_cont y
SUMA_niml_call: Contacting on tcp: (6), maximum wait 300.000 sec
(You can change max. wait time with env. SUMA_DriveSumaMaxWait)
I notice some apparent process IDs (lines 16 and 22) and quotes that don't appear (line 15); it might be easier to see the script/code itself more directly, without output text.
To your actual question, I'm a little surprised to see DriveSuma ...
occurring before suma ...
. should that order be different? Also, I think you will want a &
at the end of your suma ...
command, to allow other commands to take place.