Dear AFNI expert,
I have task based BOLD data where we delivered two different tastes (ms and tls) as well as a rinse (rns). The ms and tls had 4 blocks each per run with the following onsets and durations in seconds:
62.029: 36
176.814: 73
412.481: 54
and finally the rinse rns has these onsets with 3 second durations: (49.9, 98.2,164.7,249.3, 315.8,400.4, 466.9, and 515.2 seconds). I also 17 different nuisance regressors including 6 motion regressors and their derivatives and 5 components from the CSF.
My data is already preprocessed in FSL and I will would like to use the preprocessed data to do an HRF estimation per the Chen et al., 2023 paper; I am comparing the response differences (ms minus tls) between patients and control. Are the following steps at the single subject level sensible before going to 3dMSS?
Below are the codes I used for one subject:
step1 :
3dDeconvolve -input denoised_func_data_nonaggr.nii.gz \
-mask brain_mask.nii.gz \
-polort A \
-num_stimts 26 \
-stim_times 1 msA_block1.1D 'TENT(0, 50, 51)' -stim_label 1 HRF_MsA_Block1 \
-stim_times 2 msA_block2.1D 'TENT(0, 36, 37)' -stim_label 2 HRF_MsA_Block2 \
-stim_times 3 msA_block3.1D 'TENT(0, 73, 74)' -stim_label 3 HRF_MsA_Block3 \
-stim_times 4 msA_block4.1D 'TENT(0, 54, 55)' -stim_label 4 HRF_MsA_Block4 \
-stim_times 5 tlsA_block1.1D 'TENT(0, 54, 55)' -stim_label 5 HRF_TlsA_Block1 \
-stim_times 6 tlsA_block2.1D 'TENT(0, 54, 55)' -stim_label 6 HRF_TlsA_Block2 \
-stim_times 7 tlsA_block3.1D 'TENT(0, 73, 74)' -stim_label 7 HRF_TlsA_Block3 \
-stim_times 8 tlsA_block4.1D 'TENT(0, 36, 37)' -stim_label 8 HRF_TlsA_Block4 \
-stim_times 9 rnsA1.1D 'BLOCK(3,1)' -stim_label 9 RNS \
$(for i in $(seq 0 16); do echo "-stim_file $(($i + 10)) mc_csf_comcorr.txt'[$i]' -stim_base $(($i + 10)) -stim_label $(($i + 10)) Nuisance$(($i + 1)) "; done) \
-fout -tout -x1D X.xmat.1D -xjpeg X.jpg \
and then Step 2
3dREMLfit -matrix X.xmat.1D \
-input denoised_func_data_nonaggr.nii.gz \
-mask brain_mask.nii.gz \
-Rbuck results_REML.nii \
-Rvar results_REMLvar.nii \
-verb \
Thanks a lot for your help!
Paul Geha