3dANOVA fatal error

Hi Rick,

I have the following output:
Data set dimensions: nx = 161 ny = 191 nz = 141 nxyz = 4335891

I can see that this does not match the dimensions for 17/18 participants (p101 has these dimensions). How can I address this?


Oh, I did not see a couple things there, one, that I asked you a question that was answered in the post I responded to (way to pay attention, rick!), and two, that subject p101 seems to be the the one with that 141 dimension.

Can you possibly send me email (click my name) with the proc scripts for subject p101 and a different one?


  • rick

Hi Rick,

Sorry, I’m still quite a beginner at AFNI, what do you mean by proc script?

Thanks, Nicole

Hi Nicole,

I thought you might not be using afni_proc.py for this, but the “proc” script would be the processing script produced by afni_proc.py do to the single subject analysis. In any case, we have to back up and see how your current datasets were created, and the processing script (and text output) would help do that.

At a high level, what processing was done to get the data to this point? If you have processing scripts to send (via email), that would be helpful.

Since the 3dANOVA2 command seems to be fine, and since this thread is very deep now, would you mind starting over with this voxel resolution problem on a new message board thread (posting it as a new Topic)?


  • rick